Described in a Letter to her friend, Miss Jane Jorkins, after seeing the Cossacks at Earl's Court.
MY DEAR JANE,—Missus give me a noliday on Witsun Mondy and me and my young man wint to Buflo Bils, and O I ad sich a norrid dream, that nite I dremp one of them Kosaks smiled on me and my Enery got riled
But the beastly Kosak didenot cair for Enery a bit, he sed I was a booteful gurl and two good for that hugly little beast, and you know Enery is comparatif ansom and Enery shod fite and get a awful thrashing from that Kosak
And I ad to leaf pore Enery for ded and flead but no sooner ad I got of my at and things in the kitching than that Kosak he came down the airy and he say "butyfull crecha fli with me to the fare land off Tartry."
"Tis meat" he say "that you should do so as you a tart are. Come" he say "the steps that I am a goin to take you to shall not be arthstoned by them fare ands" and he kitched me up and galapt orf rite away.
Well wen we get to Tartry "Now we will wed" he say "O spair me" ses I "Never" ses he but at that moment he changed culur and say "Exquse me a minit I ave forgit sumthink" and left as a furus Tartar femal came on the seen.
"Wrech" she shreekd "wot woud you, he is my lorful usban" but jist then a booteful gent caim and say he was Mazepa King off Tartry and he woud mary me, and then I woak so no moor as it leafs me at pressent from your affec frend SUSAN SPRAGGS