The Voice of Envy. [At a Floral Fête] He — She's certainly a very striking woman. She — Striking? Oh, yes! Muscular arms.
Geo. Gatcombe
Selling a wife for 2s.6d.
Gauchos in London.
The turning of the Worm.
He must grin & bear it.
City waiters waited upon.
Fleeing from his lady adorers.
(1) Three Fates there are, so Poesy doth state— Here's a fourth (with Envy mixed)—the Floral Fête.
(2) To sell your better half for half a crown Is not de rigueur now in London Town.
(3) These Gauchos are so picturesque to view— They may have many a (Buffalo) Bill-et doux.
(4) Lynch lawlessness the negro in the States Resents, and for retaliation waits!
(5) Though but once this season Paderewski's here— Be (piano-)forte-fied, and shed no tear!
(6) For their thrift-society City-waiters feed— They're sensible to thus provide 'gainst need.
(7) If your wife thrashes you you can't leave her, If vice versâ, though, she soon can stir.