One of the many absorbing features of the varied programme of the "Wild West" at Earl's Court, and which always calls for the loudest plaudits of the vast audiences, is the celebrated "Cross Country Ride." This is a hurdle race between an Englishman (in hunting costume), an American (in frock coat and high hat), a cowboy, a Vacquero, and an Indian. The horses engaged in the race are of the best blooded stock, and a keen rivalry exists between not only the riders but the animals. This was never more signally shewn that in Wednesday afternoon's performance. The Englishman, riding a fine chestnut, was violently thrown to the ground as he took the first fence, without sustaining, however, much injury. The horse never wavered nor bolted from the course, but, keeping right along with its fellows, bounded over hurdle after hurdle, and gradually gaining on the leader passed him near the post and won the race, amid the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, by a good length. Then the intelligent beast took a circle round the Orator's rostrum (which is in the arena, and in front of which Colonel Cody sits on horseback with a silk flag in hand, marked "Winner," to be handed to the victor), and stopping directly in front of Buffalo Bill seemed to ask for the flag. Even the colonel was amazed, but he finally extended the flag towards the horse, who took it in his mouth and galloped out of the arena to the stables, whilst the vast audience cheered again and again.