Buffalo Bill's Wild West Review.
A sixpennyworth that will probably have a large sale both in London and the country is "Buffalo Bill's Wild West Review." It is being published this week by L. Plum, 102, Richmond-road, Earl's Court, on the satisfactory terms of 4s. 6d. per dozen of 13, carriage paid. The book is foolscap folio in size, covered with a highly-attractive coloured wrapper and made up of 20 pages of high tone paper. The contents consist of some 60 illustrations, most perfectly drawn from life by Charles R. Henchel. Why we have not seen a great deal more of this artist's work we cannot imagine. Some of his sketches are perfect conceptions of life in the Wild West, while his horses—well, they are horses, which is
saying a great deal in the artistic world. The literary matter has been compiled from various descriptions of the great show by William Langan, and it is a most interesting account. Apart from its value as a record of the Wild West Exhibition, this publication affords an excellent idea of North American Indian life, besides acting as a very suitable boy's book. The portrait we give of Buffalo Bill is an example of the artistic merit referred to. The trade can get a specimen copy for fourpence post free, by applying to Mr. Plum.
CH 91