The Horticultural Exhibition was yesterday afternoon visited by no fewer that 1,265 children, and their appearance in the vast arena of Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" was something to be remembered. The young people and their elders had come from St. Albans, and the invitation of Miss Bingham, of that town, who paid for everything, including the two special trains which brought them, the entrance fees, and the substantial tea that was prepared by Mr. Bertram. The charitable giver of this delightful outing was unfortunately not present, owing to illness; but she was represented by her brother, Mr. W. H. Bingham-Cox, well known in political and journalistic circles, and in charge of the schools were Mr. R. L. Samuel and the Rev. H. W. Taylor, chairman of the St. Albans School Boards. Before starting on their journey each child and teacher was presented with a new threepenny-piece, and the party were accompanied by the pipers of the Scots Guards who played their favourite instruments at intervals during the day. Many of the school-children had never travelled by rail before or witnessed any public performance, as some of them came from obscure villages in the neighbourhood of St. Albans, while others were the inmates of the local union. Sir John Millais, R.A., who was strolling about the gardens about the same time and listening to the band, must have found plenty of subjects for children-pictures, such as he delights in painting.