Positively the last weeks are advertised of Buffalo Bill's show at Earl's Court, and as his horses are being advertised for sale by auction it would seem that Europe is really soon to bid farewell to the redoubtable scout and still more redoubtable showman. On the whole he has no reason to be dissatisfied with the reception he has met with at the hands of the London public. True, he has not, as on the occasion of his first visit, been lionised in Belgravian drawing-rooms and smiled on by Royalty; but, on the other hand, his show has been very extensively patronised by the general public, and that, perhaps, is, after all, what he chiefly values. It will be interesting to see what becomes of some of the items in his stud. They have been extensively advertised as genuine buck-jumpers, and that is a type of animal which is not in great request in ordinary stables. Possibly some enterprising circus proprietor will acquire them for the purpose of adding to his entertainment some of the features of the Earl's Court Show, and the buck-jumping horse will take a permanent place in the ring with the performing elephant and the humorous donkey. Elsewhere, at all events, there does not appear to be much of a future for them.