"Buffalo Bill" has been interviewed by "Ithuriel," whom he has informed of his intention to "shut up shop on the 12th of October, sell off the stuff on the two following days, and on the 15th sail on the steamship Mohawk for America." Colonel Cody's show at the Chicago Exhibition will be on similar lines to that now to be seen at Earl's-court, but will, of course, be on a much larger scale. "In addition to the show as it now stands, I shall," he told his interviewer, "give a good many of the features that we have given in our indoor winter shows, and shall have the great advantage of fine scenery. We shall, for instance, be able to give a very good idea of a prairie fire and a cyclone." After the Chicago Exhibition the Colonel intends to retire from the show business altogether, and to live on a ranche at Nebraska.