The story of Hall, the Indian scout, is liable to make people think when gazing at Colonel Cody's Braves at the Wild West Show. Hall was taken prisoner during the little war with the Cheyenne tribe in 1866. He escaped, thanks to a stampede of the tribes' horses, after undergoing the torture of running the gauntlet. He managed to jump on the back of his own very fleet-footed steed, and, in stark-naked condition, and covered with welts, managed to reach the American lines. Six days' further torture was the programme arranged by the disappointed redskins, prior to burning him at the stake. After peace was declared, Hall smoked a friendly pipe with Roman Nose, the Cheyenne chief, who intended to have been one of his torturers. "We are at peace now," said Roman Nose to Hall, as he drew his knife and felt its edge, "but I will tell you something. Before you were burned at the stake, I should have used this very knife to cut out your tongue and cut off you lips and eyelids, and I would have taken muscles from your arms and legs to make bowstrings for the little boys!" "Thanks—have a drink," replied Hall, as he passed over his flask, and arose to go.