The popularity, and consequently the sale of any game, depends upon the amount of interest that it is capable of exciting. A game that is in touch with any popular event of the day always stands a good chance of doing well. Messrs. Kerner Bros., evidently with this idea in view, are showing a series of picture toys, illustrating amongst other things the doings of Buffalo Bill and his celebrated troupe. On the cover of the Wild West is a spirited coloured lithograph of the attack on the mail coach, an episode of the buffalo hunt, and a likeness of Colonel Cody himself. Many hours of amusement and excitement are provided for young ones, who either have not had the chance of visiting the show, or can thus preserve a souvenir of a happy day. These boxes are fully provided with all the details of Indian life to be set up, in as many ways as may occur to the juvenile mind, by means of little tin chips. They are a good line, which coming out just now, should have an extensive sale. The toy advertises the show and vice versa.