Buffalo Bill states that he is going out of the show business after the expiration of the Chicago Exhibition. He will return to his old retired form of banishment, and find in it more adventures, the risks of which he has been so successful in putting before the show-loving public. Says Colonel Cody—"I was born on the frontier, and all my early life I lived on it. When the towns followed us we moved further on, and so kept clear of them. That's what I want to go back to. I want to ride my horse on the plains, not in the arena. I want to look my mother nature in the face again and shake hands with her in her home." When he leaves the show business the Colonel will retire to his little place out west, or one of them, for he has two. "I've a little place," he said, "with 95,000 acres, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains that is good enough for me when the other place gets too hot. On that I can shoot mountain lions and bears from morning till night, and game of all kinds, and if I want to fish there's trout enough in the steams to satisfy any fisherman." Also, he has a ranch in Nebraska containing 10,000 acres, and hundreds of horses and cattle.