There can no longer be any doubt about it, the Wild West show which is to make its exit from West Brompton in a couple weeks, time is to lose its chief. After the Chicago Exhibition, at which the show will next appear, Buffalo Bill will wind up his career as a showman, which seems to have been in every respect a successful one. He made the Wild West, and whether that novelty in the show line will continue to be profitable after it has lost the striking personality of its chief remains to be seen. Buffalo Bill himself has well tired of a showman's life after a good many years' application, and as he has "a little place with ninety-five thousand acres a the foot of the Rocky Mountains" that is good enough for him. He has a second place also to move into when the other is too hot. He will be able to have battues at lions and bears on his own estates, and if he wants to fish there is trout enough in the streams to satisfy any fisherman. His ranche in Nebraska contains ten thousand acres and hundreds of horses and cattle. At Chicago next year the usual programme will be supplemented by a few new sensation, including prairie fires and cyclones, which ought to be sufficient in themselves to tempt the Londoner to cross the herring pond.