Now then, ladies and gentlemen, walk up, walk up, and see what Buffalo Bill has got to sell. Do you want to purchase a nice buckjumper, warranted quiet to ride and drive, because now's your chance. You may like to purchase an Indian or so, perchance a cowboy or a Deadwood coach for driving in the park. Don't let this opportunity go by, you may never have such a chance again. What have you got to say, Lord George Sanger? Are you in want of any curios in the way of horseflesh for your show I think the buckjumpers would be more appreciated in a circus than in the hunting field, or even the Row. Buffalo Bill will soon have taken his departure for good, and the heart of the theatrical manager will once more beat with joy. He has played sad havoc on fine nights with theatrical receipts, I'll warrant.
I have just been informed that the order has gone forth that buckles are to be the mode this autumn. Buckles here and buckles there, dear ladies, you will be covered with buckles, whether they are necessary or not. I know you will before Xmas, is with us. Now is the chance for anyone who has a collection good old paste buckles. Bring them out, madame, polish them up, and you will cut no end of a dash, mark my word.