The Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company.
Probably one of the most startling announcements that have been made in the moving picture industry is the sudden entry into this industry of two pioneer Wild West men known to mostly every inhabitant of the globe. We allude to W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) and Major Gordon W. Lillie
Image of Pawnee Bill and Buffalo Bill
(Pawnee Bill). They are going to produce Western subjects in addition to the ordinary dramatic pictures. Special attention will be given to spectacular productions. Historical incidents depicting various Indian battles and frontier exploitations, and particularly those in which Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill participated. The worldwide fame of Buffalo Bill, commonly known as the old scout, and his proclamation of his farewell tour in America, lend additional interest to the announcement that he has at last consented to pose before the moving picture camera. As neither one of the "Bills" had ever before been cinematographed it should prove a revelation in the production of Western pictures, as the entire roster of their Wild West and Far East company will participate. In addition to several tribes of Indians, including famous chiefs with their squaws and papooses dressed in their native costumes, cowboys, cowgirls and Mexicans and their speedy mustangs, the entire Far East portion of the show will be at the command of the producers in use for their various pictures. Mostly every nationality will be included in the entertainment provided by the noted Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill shows. Amongst the subjects to be released will be a two-reel subject showing the life of Buffalo Bill from his boyhood to his present age, and reproducing the various incidents of his strenuous career. Johnnie Baker, the famous sharp shooter and foster son of Buffalo Bill will stage the historical and spectacular productions which are to be made. Pictures will be made en route with the show until the close of the season in November, after which the productions will be staged at Col. Cody's ranch, Cody, Wyo., and at Major Lillie's ranch, Pawnee, Okla. Further information in regard to this important entrant into the moving picture field will be given in an early number. All correspondence should be addressed to P. B. Craft, general manager, Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company, in care of The Moving Picture World.