P. P. Craft, manager of the Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company, is tearing around with wrath in his eye because someone has dared to issue a set of Buffalo Bill slides. He claims that his company has the sole right to immortalize in pictures the famous two Bills. He says those rights cost big money, and he talks of injunction suits and so forth.
As proof of his claims he thrusts upon us two telegrams:
New York, September 3, 1910. To Major G. W. Lillie (Pawnee Bill), Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Show, Missoula, Mont. Are Buffalo Bill slides now advertised authorized by management. Please answer quick. P. P. Craft. Missoula, Mont., September 3, 1910. To P. P. Craft, Care Frank Winch, 1440 Broadway, New York. Positively not; you have the only and exclusive rights. BUFFALO BILL — PAWNEE BILL COMPANY, G. W. Lillie, Manager.Now the Buffalo Bill slides are not in the fake class. They are made from negatives taken at recent Buffalo Bill shows by newspaper photographers and from pictures which have been given for publication to the newspapers by the Buffalo Bill press agents. These pictures were given out with no restrictions and their use for slides is just as permissible as in the newspapers. Therefore we imagine friend Craft will have the time of his life if he tries to prevent their sale or use.
And what's the use? Good B. B. slides will help advertise good B. B. films and sustain the interest in them.
Buffalo Bill is a name to conjure with amongst the youth of the land. The very name on the poster at the theater door would mean a full house. For nearly fifty years Col. Cody has been before the public eye, so that when the pictures of his farewell round-up are announced, not only the youth but the boys of fifty will want to see them.
We have seen enough of the film to say that the photography of the three reels is remarkably good. And the acting — well, you wouldnot [sic] want to see the "Two Bills" and their troupe of rough riders "act" as we see it done by the average moving picture actor. No, you want to see them go through their regular drills and evolutions and perform their great feats of daring naturally and as they have done it for the past decade. And this is what you will see. Here is the program as it is shown in 3,000 feet of film: A Grand Review — The World's Rough Riders, introduced and led by Buffalo Bill (Col. Wm. F. Cody) — U. S. Artillery and Cavalry Drill — The Buffalo and the Famous Huntsman in Pursuit of His Native Game — The Prairie Under a Scorching Sun: "Oh! What a Good Drink; Pass It Around" — Mexican Joe Will Illustrate the Use of a Lasso — Perfection of High School Equestrianism: Mr. Ray Thompson's Mixed Blood Texas Range Horses — Mr. Rhoda Royal's "Famed Blue Ribbon" Thoroughbreds — Rossi's Musical Elephants — Riding Wild Bucking Horses and Mules, introducing the Only Lady Bucking Horse Rider in the World — Buffalo Bill Shooting Glass Balls — Arabian Acrobats — Japanese Troupe — Devlin's Zouaves — A Grand Military Tournament — Football on Horseback, Between Indians and Cowboys — The Far East — Trained Arabian Horses — The Final Salute! Buffalo Bill Bids You Good-bye.