Buffalo Bill Pictures Draw.
The owners of the State rights of the moving pictures of the Buffalo Bill Wild West and Pawnee Bill Far East report that these films are being exhibited to crowded houses at advanced prices of admission, and that return dates are being booked in almost every theater. Collins & Collins are drawing capacity business in New York State. P. G. Cameron has ordered another set of film in order to fill the bookings in Texas. J. Allen, mannger [sic] of the Canadian Film Exchange, Calgary, Alberta, which controls the rights for Western Canada, visited New York the past week and placed an order for a second set of film, which Mr. Allen states he requires to meet the demand for the film in his territory. Mr. Allen is receiving from $300 to $500 a week rental for the use of the Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill film, and has bookings three months ahead. The Anti-Trust Film Company of Chicago have the rights for Illinois and Wisconsin, and the Ohio rights are controlled by Louis Becht, proprietor of the Mall Theater, Cleveland. William Oppenheimer has bought the rights for Florida, Alabama, and Georgia. William Hoffman has the rights for Kentucky, while Albert Jackson has the rights for Oklahoma. William Morrison, Meadford, Ontario, has the Ontario rights, and a deal has just been closed with P. C. Bach at Montreal for Quebec and the Maritime Procinces. Many other deals are being closed. As Col. Cody is just completing his farewell tour, the pictures of the Wild West and Far East should hold interest for years and bear repeating many times in any theater.