Herewith is a list of the States which are for sale and the price for the Exclusive right for the States including one complete set of the
Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Films
3,000 FEET
The list also names the states which are sold, with the names and addresses of the owners of the Rights.
The Moving Pictures of the BUFFALO BILL WILD WEST AND PAWNEE BILL FAR EAST are the greatest money makers ever produced. They are in a class by themselves.
They are the first and only pictures, which do not decrease in value after having been exhibited. Return dates have been proven to be as profitable as the first exhibition.
The film rents from $50.00 per day up and when played on a percentage basis from 50 per cent. to 75 per cent. of the gross receipts is the share received by the owners of State Rights.
Advance the prices for these pictures to 25, 35, and 50 cents.
If you have any doubts regarding the quality and drawing power of these films, get in touch with any owner of State Rights and learn what they have to say.
Select the State that you want from the list of unsold States and mail or wire us a deposit of $100.00 and we will forward contracts.
We require a surety bond of $1,000.00 on each contract. This you can secure from any Bonding Company for $10.00.
We can furnish everything needed in the way of advertising matter.
MASSACHUSETTS — RHODE ISLAND: Comfort & Van Dyne, 61 W. 14th Street, New York City.
VIRGINIA — NORTH CAROLINA: Petersburg Film Co., Petersburg, Va.
IDAHO — MONTANA: H. L. Quimby, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
TEXAS: P. G. Cameron, Dallas, Texas.
ILLINOIS — WISCONSIN: Anti-Trust Film Exchange, Chicago.
ARKANSAS: S. A. Arnold, Helena, Ark.
NORTH DAKOTA: E. L. Davis, Ambrose, N. D.
WESTERN CANADA: Canadian Film Exchange, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
NEW MEXICO — ARIZONA — NEVADA: E. A. Joyce, Silver City, N. M.
MICHIGAN: H. E. Smith, Toledo Film Exchange.
WEST VIRGINIA: J. A. Parker, Hinton, W. Va.
NEW YORK: Collins & Collins, Utica, N. Y.
KENTUCKY: Fred Hoffman & Co., Louisville, Ky.
FLORIDA — GEORGIA — ALABAMA: Wm. Oppenheimer, Orpheum Theatre, Tampa, Fla.
MISSOURI: J. P. Atkins, St. Louis, Mo.
ONTARIO: J. A. Morrison, Meaford, Ont., Canada.
INDIANA: Leroy Tudor & J. B. Davidson, Muncie, Ind.
OHIO: Louis Becht, Mall Theatre, Cleveland, O.
PENNSYLVANIA: F. A. Tipton, 111 E. 14th St., New York City.
QUEBEC AND MARITIME PROVINCES: Sarah T. Bach, 2319 Hutchison Street, Montreal, Canada.
MARYLAND — DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Marcus Notes, Empress Theatre, 416 Ninth St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
WYOMING — COLORADO: Berta & Morris, Rock Springs, Wyo.
IOWA: Chas. L. Marshall, Excelsior Springs, Mo.
OKLAHOMA — KANSAS: Albert Jackson, Jackson Theater, Pawhuska, Okla.
WASHINGTON — OREGON — CALIFORNIA: Winik & Simmonds, Palace Theatre, Tacoma, Wash.
NEW JERSEY | $1,500.00 |
DELAWARE | 1,500.00 |
SOUTH DAKOTA | 900.00 |
MINNESOTA | 1,000.00 |
LOUISIANA | 1,000.00 |
CONNECTICUT | 1,000.00 |
MISSISSIPPI | $1,000.00 |
TENNESSEE | 1,000.00 |
VERMONT | 650.00 |
MAINE | 800.00 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | 650.00 |
UTAH | 800.00 |
NEBRASKA | 1,000.00 |
Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Co.
111 E. Fourteenth St., New York City