The pictures of Buffalo Jones, which were released by the Patents Co. Sunday, February 12, were not exhibited on the first 3 days of that week by any Boston moving picture theater. There were 2 reasons which accounted for this fact. Several exhibitors expressed themselves as willing to expend $25 for the use of the reels for 3 days, had the picture been only 1000 feet long. The price asked was $50, as the pictures were 2000 feet. The other reason working against the pictures was the fact that Buffalo Jones himself had exhibited and personally lectured on his films in several local houses in 1909 and 1910. Buffalo Jones has appeared twice at the Star theater, Tremont Row, the Theater Comique, and at other local theaters.
The Rev. Herbert S. Johnson, pastor of the Warren Avenue Baptist Church in the course of his sermon on "Moving Picture Shows" stated that he had no reason to condemn either the pictures themselves or the men who conducted the houses. The pictures, were, according to his opinion, of no objectionable character as a general rule. The Rev. Johnson is one of the most quoted and progressive of Boston clergy, and his stamp of approval on the moving picture shows is an excellent point for the trade.
As was stated above the licensed houses of Boston did not exhibit the Buffalo Jones pictures, but, the Theater Comique, an independent theater on Tremont Row, exhibited a substitute. The World's New England representative will quote verbation from the advertising lobby — work of the Comique — "Look Look Look, — startling stamping stupendous — Buffalo Bill and his death defying Riders of the plains. Savage Indians, Screetching Cowboys, bucking Broncos and everything Wild and Western. The entire lobby was full with such written work, and augmented by posters and paintings of similar nature. As can be seen from the quotation, the intent of the wording was to give the impression that Buffalo Bill was inside the theater in connection with the picture. Across the lobby was a rope, over which were hung Cowboy and Indian clothing, giving the house a cheap and low-grade appearance. The cowboy apparel thrown over the rope slung across the lobby looked more like a clothes line than most anything else. Taking in view the featuring of the name of Buffalo Bill, with its ambiguous meaning and the general work of the whole advertising display, it can not be gainsaid that the Comique took on a thoroughly disreputable appearance, and one detrimental to the moving picture theater throughout the city. The film exhibited was that of the Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Film Co.
A bill was presented to the Massachusetts legislature on Tuesday, February 14, which has as its aim the exclusion of children under 16 years of age to moving picture shows, unless with adults. At present the age limit is 14 years. The bill is being watched with the greatest interest by all Massachusetts exhibitors. At the present writing, no report has been made by the Committee in charge.
Mr. George E. Lothrop of Boston, who is connected with the moving picture business, was heard by the Massachusetts legislature in favor of a bill requiring all theaters and other places of amusement and "all theatrical, legal or judicial officers or talent "to pay into the state treasury their receipts in excess of 10% received over and above their expenses and incomes of $50 a day, week or performance. Mr. Lothrop presented his petition in written form. Mr. J. Albert Brackett, representing the Theater Owners' Association thought it unnecessary to argue against it. It is thought the bill has small chance of passing the committee in charge.
The Theater Premier, Washington St., is giving away free admission tickets, good for women only, between the hours of 9 and 12 A. M.