Bonds for State Right Buyers
The feature film business has assumed such proportions that the question of absolute protection of territory has become of vital importance with purchasers of state rights.
It will be recalled that, two years ago, the Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company sold exclusive rights for a film which reproduced the Buffalo Bill Wild West and Pawnee Bill Far East show. These pictures proved great moneymakers, not only in all parts of America but in almost every civilized country of the world. A notable feature of the marketing of this film was the fact that a surety bond for one thousand dollars was required from each and every purchaser of territory for this film. In that way, protection for the purchasers was assured.
The Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company now announce a three-reel feature film, depicting important incidents in the thrilling career of Col. W. F. Cody, known the world over as Buffalo Bill. By special contract between the Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company and the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland that company will undertake to furnish a bond for one thousand dollars to every purchaser of territorial rights for the new Buffalo Bill feature. The purchaser in turn will be required to furnish a surety bond for one thousand dollars to the Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company to guarantee their contract for the territory purchased.
Thus the Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Company are still in the lead in the exploitation of feature subjects, and no doubt with the great popularity of Col. Wm. F. Cody, who is retiring to private life after having toured the world thirty years as America's representative frontiersman and Wild West hero, these pictures, depicting actual happenings in the life of the Last of the Great Scouts, should prove to be one of the most successful features yet offered to the showmen of America.