"The Buffalo Bill Show"
The Death of Colonel Cody Releases an Authentic Motion Picture in Which the Old Scout Appears.
THE Wild West Film Co. is now able to release the great historic film, "The Buffalo Bill Show," which has been stored in their vaults awaiting the permission which only the death of Buffalo Bill (Col. Cody) could give. This great photo drama of genuine Indian life, personally supervised by Col. Cody, and directed by John D. O'Brien, was intended by the great scout as his offering to posterity. And now the magnificent photoplay is being exhibited simultaneously at the Rialto and Strand theaters, New York City.
Into this now posthumous camera record has been put the genius of the great army scout — it is his confession. Other men have told his story in their own way; but in this personal history Buffalo Bill shows his real self. The grinding, whirlwind life of the great Indian fighter is laid bare. Against the Indian and the bad man he dug out the heart of the West and made it beat for freedom. Millions now live happily in the land he rescued from lawlessness, and millions now await his message of blood, iron and manhood. Every shot this man fired was for posterity, and his thrilling story is now posterity's own picture book.