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731 items found for search term Holdrege, George Ward, 1847-1926

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March 15, 1890 Texts Newspapers


"...Loring, George B. (George Bailey), 1817-1891..."

"... Maximus. The newspapers state (and newspapers always tell the truth, you know—like George Washington..."

"...." Hon. George B. Loring and Mrs. Loring are spending a few days in Naples. Dr. Loring, who is our..."

June 10, 1892 Texts Newspapers

The Wild West

"...Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824..."

January 23, 1888 Texts Newspapers

Nate Salsbury's News

"...George I, King of the Hellenes, 1845-1913..."

June 4, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Buffalo Bill's Cossacks

"...Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824..."

April 29, 1887 Texts Newspapers

The Wild West Show Abroad

"...Washington, George, 1732-1799..."

September 29, 1895 Texts Correspondence

Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, September 29, 1895

"...Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, September 29, 1895..."

"...Beck, George Washington Thornton, 1856-1943..."

".... Rockefeller and George Bleistein. Note 4: Cody asks about naming "streets" or "tracts" after both Union..."

January 20, 1888 Texts Newspapers

No. 37.—Major John M. Burke. ("Arizona John.")

"...Crook, George, 1829-1890..."

"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."

October 17, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Brighton Society

"...Butler, Frank E., 1852?-1926..."

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

Texts Newspapers

Buffalo Bill Indian War Pictures Bring Tears to Major Burke, 'The Peacemaker'

"...Wallace, George D., 1849-1890..."

"...Dewey, George, 1837-1917..."

"...Price, George F. (George Frederic), -1888..."

"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."

1889 Texts Books

Fifty Years on the Trail

October 16, 1887 Texts Newspapers

London Conquered

"...Hawthorne, Grace, 1847-1922..."

"... Hawthorne (1847-1922), an American actress, became actress/manager/producer at the Princess Theatre..."

"... soprano opera singer. Note 12: Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930), the first Canadian operatic soprano..."

February 28, 1894 Texts Correspondence

Letter from William F. Cody to Charles G. Penney, February 28, 1894

"...Shangreaux, John, c. 1854-1926..."

July 29, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Miss Annie Oakley's Guns

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

June 25, 1941 Texts Newspapers

Heroic Horsemanship

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

September 23, 1891 Texts Newspapers

The Wild West at Cardiff

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

August 25, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [Annie Oakley performs marvels of accurate shooting]

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

1887 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [A correspondent writes]

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

April 15, 1899 Texts Newspapers

Buffalo Bill's Show

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

August 29, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Exciting Scene at the Wild West Show

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

October 24, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [The programme which was rendered famous]

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

March 1887 Texts Newspapers

Pigeon Shooting

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

May 13, 1899 Texts Newspapers

Horsemanship of All Nations

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

June 5, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Buffalo Bill In Belgium

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

December 20, 1890 Texts Newspapers

The Indian Rising

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

[May 1887] Texts Newspapers

Untitled [Amongst the skilled in arms of precision]

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

June 5, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Buffalo Bill in Belgium

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

[June] 1892 Texts Newspapers

The Horticultural Exhibition

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

May 4, 1887 Texts Newspapers

Chit-Chat and the Drama

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

October 13, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [The entertainment proper, which was yesterday]

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

June 10, 1892 Texts Newspapers


"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

1887 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [There is so much excellent material]

"...Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926..."

March 17, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Miss Collins attacks Col. Cody

"...Collins, Mary C. (Mary Clementine), 1847-1920..."

December 13, 1890 Texts Newspapers

Talk With Buffalo Bill

"...Powell, David Franklin, 1847-1906..."

December 4, 1890 Texts Newspapers

Dug Rifle Pits

"...Powell, David Franklin, 1847-1906..."

August 18, 1902 Texts Correspondence

Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, August 18, 1902

"..., Wyoming, from 1914 to 1915. Note 6: The Irish-born Michael R. Russell (1847-1930) met William F. Cody..."

May 21, 1888 Texts Newspapers

The Wild West Show

"...: Carter Couturier (1847-1916) was an advertising agent for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Company. Note 2: John..."

July 14, 1887 Texts Newspapers

Royal Visit to the American Exhibition

"... of the Supreme Court. Note 5: Townsend Percy (b.~1847), the official Press Representative for the American..."

September 24, 1901 Texts Records

Contractual Agreement, September 24, 1901

"... of Buffalo, and State of New York, acting as Trustee for William F. Cody, George T. Beck, Nathan Salsbury..."

"..., George Bleistein, Horace C. Alger, H. Montgomery Gerrans and Bronson Rumsey, party of the second part..."

"...: and WHEREAS; the said George T. Beck, acting as manager for the parties interested, had caused to be surveyed..."

May 28, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Banquet of the International Society at Earl's Court

"... of a blend, though we missed the cross of St. George and the Stars of the United States. If those colours..."

July 18, 1915 Texts Correspondence

Letter from William F. Cody to Clarence W. Rowley, July 18, 1915

"... to George Beck. Although William F. Cody publicly announced his intention to ride in the first private..."

April 9, 1898 Texts Correspondence

Letter from William F. Cody to C. B. Jones, April 9, 1898

"...Beck, George Washington Thornton, 1856-1943..."

June 1900 Texts Records

Platted map of Cody, Wyoming, including list of lots sold

"...Beck, George Washington Thornton, 1856-1943..."

March 1, 1900 Texts Correspondence

Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, March 1, 1900

"...Beck, George Washington Thornton, 1856-1943..."

June 25, 1892 Texts Newspapers

The Cossacks at the Wild West

"...Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824..."

Texts Newspapers

Col. Cody Supervises Exhibition of Indian War Films in Capital

"...Crook, George, 1829-1890..."

June 2, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Cossacks at Earls-Court

"...Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824..."

June 30, 1891 Texts Newspapers

The Wild West in Leeds

"... magistrate of Leeds in 1869; he was married to Helen Maria George Bruce. ..."

June 2, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Cossacks at the "Wild West"

"...Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824..."

June 7, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Brussels Gossip

"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."

".... It was curious to hear the disillusioned Messiah of the Sioux eagerly interrogating indefatigable Mr. George C..."

"...-life groups to Mr. George Crager, whose services as guide to the Indian encampment have won him..."

June 2, 1892 Texts Newspapers

International Horticultural Exhibition at Earl's Court

"...Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824..."