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1092 items found for search term Little Chief, b. 1851
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Buffalo Bill's Wild West A Tribe of Sioux Indians on the Trail Led by Chief Iron Tail
"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West A Tribe of Sioux Indians on the Trail Led by Chief Iron Tail..."
"... Buffalo Bill's Wild West A Tribe of Sioux Indians on the Trail Led by Chief Iron Tail..."
Verso of postcard of Chief Sands Rock.
"...Verso of postcard of Chief Sands Rock...."
"... Verso of postcard of Chief Sands Rock. Image..."
Chief Joe Black Fox, Sioux Indian
"...Chief Joe Black Fox, Sioux Indian..."
"... Chief Joe Black Fox, Sioux Indian photograph..."
Chief IronTail, Sioux Indian, in Feather Headdress
"...Chief IronTail, Sioux Indian, in Feather Headdress..."
"... Chief IronTail, Sioux Indian, in Feather Headdress photograph..."
Untitled [Colonel Cody (Buffalo Bill) and his manager]
"... chiefs and the chief of the Cossack band, entertained at the Savage Club on Saturday. The Duc d'Orléans..."
Cody on Woman Suffrage
"... of life," answered the cowboy chief; "no other kind of life on God's earth; no, sir!" The colonel went up..."
"... from the madding crowd," in the middle of a ten-acre field; the actor yearns for some remote little..."
"... of a peculiar and handsome ring which the cowboy chief wore, and as I admired it he told me the following story..."
What to See in London
"..., and therefore the fierce Sioux chiefs, "Revenge," "Scatter," "Short Bull," and "Kicking Bear," were glad..."
"... taken in war; the more feathers the greater honour and glory. Each Indian chief enjoys the dignity..."
"... of enthusiastic applause. There is so much to see and wonder at, that one pair of eyes apiece is all too little..."
Buffalo Bill's Wild West
"... three hundred mess together daily. The most conspicuous are the Indian chiefs Kicking Bear, Short Bull..."
"..., but are accompanied by Mr. G. C. Crager, their interpreter. Of course they are amongst the chief performers..."
"... so considerable." The alterations on the building will cost little short of £6000. Note 1: William..."
At the Wild West
"... of that, Euphemia!" J. B. P. Processional Review). A Troop of Arapahoe Indians! [Band strikes up; a party of painted..."
"... Indians gallop into Arena, uttering little puppy-like barks. An Artistic Lady (shuddering). Look..."
Opening of the Earl's Court Exhibition
"... Colony, provided by Mr. J. E. Matthew Vincent, the Chief Commissioner in England, for visitors..."
Cover letters and transaction statement ending December 31, 1903, Lincoln Land Company
"... Office of Lincoln Land CompanyRooms 33-36, 1241 O StreetLincoln, Neb.C. H. Morrill, President.A. B..."
"..., Neb.C. H. Morrill, President.A. B. Minor, Sec'y and Treasurer.Quotations of Prices Are Subject to Change..."
"... without Notice. Received Jan 28-/04 9.A.M.-Answered Jan 28 1904R B Camp for Bronson Rumsey (Missent draft..."
".... H. Morrill, President.A. B. Minor, Sec'y and Treasurer.Quotations of Prices Are Subject to Change..."
Letter from William F. Cody to C. B. Jones, April 9, 1898
"...Letter from William F. Cody to C. B. Jones, April 9, 1898..."
"... New York City, April 9, 1898.1 Mr. C. B. Jones,2 My dear Jones: Although every moment of my time..."
"... April 25-30, 1898. Note 2: Letter is typewritten to C. B. Jones and signed by Cody. C. B. Jones..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Clarence W. Rowley, July 27, 1913
"...Clifford, Henry B., 1859-1915..."
"... 2932 Lafayette St.1 Denver, Colo. July. 27th 1913 Dear Clarence H. B. Cifford says Edison is now..."
"... is that of his sister, May Cody Bradford Decker. Cody died at his sister's home in 1917. Note 2: "H. B. Cifford..."
"..." is Henry B. Clifford (1859-1915), an experienced mining executive whose company had numerous mining claims..."
Letter from Mrs. Nate (Rachel) Salsbury to Bronson Rumsey, June 18, 1906
".... New York E. B. Allan Sheridan Wyo. Mrs. Salsbury ______________ Receipt for $1000 00 Sent her in June..."
Native American man gesturing to several other Native Americans
".... photograph 7.0 x 5.0 in b&w photograph..."
Several Native Americans from Buffalo Bill's Wild West
".... photograph 6.0 x 4.0 in b&w photograph..."
Six members of the Buffalo Bill Combination
".... Carte de Visite 4.2 x 6.5 in b&w cartes de visite..."
John Cody and William F. Cody at High Jinks Mine tailings
"...). photograph 2.75 x 4.5 b&w photograph..."
Several Native American men in front of stagecoach
".... photograph 4.8 x 4.1 in b&w photographic print..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Michael Gardner, October 13, 1878
"... Marshall House, A. B. Luce, Propietor. Savannah, Ga. Oct.13th 1878 My Dear Boy, I..."
Untitled [P. P. Craft]
"... B. B. slides will help advertise good B. B. films and sustain the interest in them. Buffalo Bill..."
A Sickening Blow to the Anglomaniac from Life (American magazine, 1883-1936)
"... upon landing in England that the British Nation—Thanks to the Hon. Buffalo B. William—has become..."
Cowboys In Old Verona
".... The buffaloes nibbled at the little bunches of grass, now and then sniffing significantly, as if they had..."
"... called chuck-a-luck. The little piles of Italian soldi and lire would change places from time to time..."
"... then? The Italians are poor, but they are nothing to the Spaniards. Countries where a little bit of coin like..."
"... five of the chiefs with me to Venice, and when in the morning they woke up and saw the gondolas..."
Memories of Buffalo Bill
"... in a big chair in front of the grate fire in our little home in Old Frenchtown, St. Louis..."
"... glint. "Only one person has ever called me 'Willie.' That was my mother—I've always been just a little..."
"...," Will answered. "But weren't you afraid?" "A little—at first," he agreed. "But your mother—didn't she object..."
"... at the recollection of it. "I don't remember much until I heard Frank McCarthy tell us to make a break for a little..."
They Went Back and Lied
"...Little Bighorn River (Wyo. and Mont.)..."
"...Little Missouri River (Wyo.-N.D.)..."
"... many parties of noble young Englishmen all through the Black Hills, the Yellowstone country, the Little..."
"... Missouri and Little Big Horn countries. Well, they were mostly quiet, good natured fellows, that kept me..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Mollie Moses, March 1, 1885
"... No 5 March 1st My Dear. Little Favorite, Your very kind & ever interesting letter recdreceived Now..."
"... it might not interest you. I am not very well have a very bad cold. & I have ever so much to do. Yes little..."
"... Girl Just as soon as I can I will send you the Locket with picture. I know if I had a dear little some..."
".... and without delay. wont You? I must now close so many bothering me— With Love & a Kiss to My little Girl from..."
Red Cloud
"... RED CLOUD. The Sioux Chief Makes His Statement. HE GUARDS HIS REMARKS. Not Anxious to Commit..."
"... are here. We have force enough to keep the day." Early Thursday Little Rat, a famous scout under Crook..."
"Wild Bill" Hickok
"... was a man a little above medium height, and lithe and muscular build. He had broad shoulders and a tapering..."
"... of the most famous marshal and most ruthless of man-killers of the old frontier days is chief among the show..."
What It Costs to Work the "Wild West"
".... The Indian chief gets £20 a month and all keep, the cowboys £16 to £24 a month and food, and so on. You would..."
"... somewhat damped in our intentions of starting our own little "Wild West." "Oh! yes," was the reply..."
Famous Hunting Parties of the Plains
"... Gore's little caravan went out into the Big Horn mountains, into the thick of the game country..."
"..., and vowed that he could, in thirty days, equip a little army of his own, which would wipe those murderous..."
"... of Middle park, and is reached by some of the little narrow-gauge roads that run up into that country..."
".... There were about two thousand of these desperate redskins altogether, and their chiefs were Pawnee Killer..."