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730 items found for search term Short Bull (Tatanka Ptecela) c.1845-1923
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Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, August 20, 1907
"...Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, August 20, 1907..."
"... of America Series 1902 2 1732 Washington 1799 2 Postage Two Cents C. L. Hinkle Capital Cheyenne Wyo Note 1..."
Business letter from C. H. Morrill to Bronson Rumsey, December 20, 1902
"...Business letter from C. H. Morrill to Bronson Rumsey, December 20, 1902..."
"... truly, C. H. Morrill. Pres. Enc agreement and plat. ..."
Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, May 28, 1902
"...Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, May 28, 1902..."
"..., red, rotated on side United States Postage 2 Two Cents 2 C. L. Hinkle State. Land. Board Cheyenne Wyo..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, September 8, 1906
"... outfit for me— 60 new cars— &c. I got L5 in Hungary & Poland but have puledpulled out in Germany. IllI'll..."
"... of the C. B. & Q. Railroad, became president of the company in 1901 until his resignation in 1910. Note 3..."
Exhibition of Saddlery and Harness
"... it we learn that Egypt is where we meet with the earliest mention of cavalry, chariots, &c., large..."
"... references to horses, &c. The older sculpturist paintings of horses go to shew that for many centuries..."
"... that the earliest form of saddle was a pad and girth and without stirrups. A coin of Labicnus circa B. C. 40 bears..."
"... shields, &c. A vestige of the practice may be said to survive in the helmets and cuirasses..."
Wild Bill Hikok
"..." McCandles (1845-1917), a cattle rancher and gunfighter. Note 2: Year was 1876. ..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, May 17, 1896
"... SouthernAbsolutely Fire Proof.Henry C. Lewis, Manager.St. Louis, May 17 18961 My Dear George— Well from the letters..."
".... LouisThe SouthernAbsolutely Fire Proof.Henry C. Lewis, Manager.St. Louis, __________ 189__ this way any..."
".... LouisThe SouthernAbsolutely Fire Proof.Henry C. Lewis, Manager.St. Louis, __________ 189__ or wontwon't..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, July 7, 1896
"... to handle the sales of water rights Lots &c— Our co sooner or later will have trouble on their hands..."
"... of the company who are there. if itsit's not right I will correct it— I sent H. C. Alger Treasurer $3000 to day..."
"... as per his telegram of yestardayyesterday— W. F. C. Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed..."
Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, August 18, 1902
"...Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, August 18, 1902..."
"... C. L. Hinkle Capital Cheyenne. Wyo. Personal Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Boise..."
"... investors. Martinus Petrus Pels (c. 1837-1906), a representative of the Dutch investors, served as general..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Julia Cody Goodman, March 23, 1902
".... And that you felt like doing something that you did not like North Platte any to well any how. &c- I am going..."
"... & two bed rooms— with bath room— closets &c As I will be there but a few weeks for the next three years..."
Letter from Hercules Price to Ferdinand Erhardt, December 29, 1907
".... (c/o Mr. A. Roenigk). Dear Comrade:, Your letter of 23rd instant, and Map of Nebraska received I have..."
"... to General Eugene A. Carr, care Adjutant General, US.A [sic], Washington, D. C. or Major Worth who..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Julia Cody Goodman, May 22, 1902
"... of cooks helpers. waiters & c. I think I should build an outside house for Laundry. & sleeping rooms..."
"...—how many rooms one chambermaid takes care of & c. I am going to buy the very best of furniture..."
Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, July 2, 1904
"...Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, July 2, 1904..."
"..., United Kingdom Postage & Revenue 2 1/2 d C. L. Hinckle Capital. Cheyenne. Wyo. U. S. A. Note 1: Buffalo..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, July 24, 1895
"...Grinnell, C. H...."
"...), a banker in Deadwood, S.D., who in 1893 partnered with Mr. C. H. Grinnell (later Mayor of Sheridan), J. R..."
Letter from G. W. Holdrege to C. E. Perkins, July 30, 1900
"...Letter from G. W. Holdrege to C. E. Perkins, July 30, 1900..."
"... of the year for use on the Toluca line. Yours respectfully, (Sgd.) G. W. Holdrege. Mr. C. E. Perkins, Pres't..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, July 2, 1895
".... & location of Cody City. Springs4 &c So reading matter &c So as to give it to Bleistein and he can send..."
Another Letter of Thanks
"..., of Kingston-on-Thames, who dived in to the assistance of both, and Mr. C. O'Malley, who, at the most critical..."
".... SUTHERLAND. 7, Queen Street, Cheapside, London, E. C., July 26th, 1892. ..."
Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, March 1, 1900
"...Letter from William F. Cody to C. L. Hinkle, March 1, 1900..."
"... Platte 4th. I have just been buying graders, Scrapers &c. to put a good force to work on the big new..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, April 13, 1896
"... __________ 189__ on business principles &c— Cunningham writes me he has a good colony ready to go— and men..."
"... that the land for the first colony4 will have to be surveyed &c— I dont see the necessatynecessity of your..."
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Brief Program, England
"... Deserter's body 11.—RUSSIAN COSSACKS, in Feats of Horsemanship, Native Dances, &c., &c. 12.—RACING BETWEEN..."
The Wild West in Leeds
".... C. Crager, the Sioux interpreter, who pointed out the more notable amongst the red men, and gave..."
"... some interesting information regarding their mode of life, &c. We are informed that the cowboys..."
Untitled [No less than five special trains]
"... a splendid arena, where the different evolutions are gone through by the cowboys, scouts, Indians, &c., who..."
"..., and then, with a brisk wave of his doffed hat, he dismisses the cowboys, &c., and they immediately, at a smart canter..."
Buffalo Bill und sein wilder Westen
"... to reciprocal visits, festive dinners, speeches — in short, just as things are with us! The desire of some..."
Bei Buffalo Bill
"..., and it is equipped with all the necessary items. Two American cooks in short jackets are standing at the two stoves..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Charles G. Penney, February 28, 1894
"...Shangreaux, John, c. 1854-1926..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, May 12, 1896
".... Number A1 Sent By We Rec'd by xD Check 13Pd Received at 5/12 1896 Dated Columbus Ind 122 To Geo T Beck c..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, March 23, 1895
"... omaha. important meeting please join him & go to Omaha wire you there. C. Note 1: Telegram..."
Untitled [Our town has been enlivened]
"..., &c. Exclaim as you may, "Lo, the poor Indian," and bathe them with philanthropic sympathy while..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Hugh Lenox Scott, February 26, 1916
"... Building, Washington, D. C. Dear General Scott: I am glad to say I am putting together a fine Show, to open..."
Letter from William H. Hinebaugh to John H. Tait, February 11, 1914
"... Committeeman, Oracle, Arizona. Albany Hotel Denver Col. c/o Col Cody OracleAriz.Feb 161914[7] AM ..."
Cover letter and transaction statement ending June 30, 1909, Lincoln Land Company
"..., President.A. B. Minor, Sec'y & Treasurer.Executive Committee: H. B. Scott. Charles E. Perkins. C. H. Morrill..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, July 20, 1898
"... to hold over annotheranother year— W. F. C Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Big Rapids..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, July 19, 1898
"... of the Iroquois Hotel in Buffalo, New York, which was owned by Henry M. Gerrans. Note 4: C. B. Jones, land agent..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, October 4, 1897
"... Irrigation Company, including Bleistein, Gerrans, and Rumsey. Note 3: C. B. Jones was a land agent from..."
Minutes of Directors' Meeting of Shoshone Irrigation Company, February 25, 1908
".... On motion, the meeting then adjourned. George T Beck S E C R E T A R Y ATTEST: W. F. Cody ..."
Indians as Soldiers
"... to any by the regulars. The warriors surrounded the noncombatants, with their tepees, &c., marching..."
An Admirer of "Buffalo Bill"
"... of his master, Mr. C. R. Bonney, 41, Eastcheap. The prisoner had been an office-boy in Mr. Bonney's..."
Letter from William F. Cody to R. F. Elwell, March 5, [1916]
"... likely Sewell Haggard (c. 1879-1928), an editor who then worked on magazines owned by William Randolph..."
Advertisement for "The Life of Buffalo Bill," The Moving Picture World
"... popular hero, re-enacted before the camera for the archives of the Congressional Library, Washington, D. C..."
Telegram from Frank A. Cook to John H. Tait, April 26, 1933
"... ServiceWestern UnionNewcomb Carlton, PresidentJ. C. Willever, First Vice-PresidentClass of ServiceThis is a full..."