No 5
March 1st My Dear. Little Favorite,Your very kind & ever interesting letter recd Now dont fear about my better half. I will tell you a secret— My better half and I have separated. someday I will tell you all about it. Now do you think any the less of me? I wish I had time to write you a long letter answer all your questions. and tell you of my self &c. but I have not the time & perhaps it might not interest you. I am not very well have a very bad cold. & I have ever so much to do. Yes little Girl Just as soon as I can
I will send you the Locket with picture. I know if I had a dear little some one whom you can guess. to play & sing for me it would drive away the blues— who know but what some day I may have her Eh! I cant say yet for certain if I will go to Europe this spring or not— will keep you posted. Now as you have asked for my picture. I want to do the same. so please send me yours. and without delay. wont You?
I must now close so many bothering me—
With Love & a Kiss to My little Girl from Her Big Boy
New Or[?] L[?]
WFC's handwriting
No 5 March 1st 85
Secret Promise
Miss Mollie [?]
Note: The German double "s" is sometimes used by WFC, as in "Miss." Handwriting appearing in pencil on envelope and on Page 1 of letter is likely not WFC's.