Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Hull EnglandJuly. 2d 1904 [1] My. Dear Hinckle
Thanks for your favor— Am sorry our Govenor did not get the nomination. [2] But such is life I compliment you on your deserved promotion. [3] Well if we do get out of office this fall. we will still remain good citizens of our state. I am enjoying the finest of health And my prospects never looked better. have commenced building a hotel near our old hunting camp at mouth of middle fork. [4] And will add forty more rooms to the Irma— Allso getting my coal mine in to shape to ship coal— [5] That dear old country eats up my money faster than I can make it.
Regards to all W. F. Cody
Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Hull 12 730 PM JY 2 04
Postage & Revenue 2 1/2 d
C. L. Hinckle Capital. Cheyenne. Wyo. U. S. A.
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Hull, England, on July 1 and 2, 1904. [back]
Note 2: Fenimore Chatterton (1860-1958) served two terms as Wyoming secretary of state from 1899 to 1907. Upon the death of Governor DeForest Richards (1846-1903) in April 1903, Chatterton became acting governor. As Cody indicates, Chatterton did not receive the Republican nomination for governor in 1904. Bryant B. Brooks (1861-1944) received the Republican nomination and was elected to serve out the remaining two years of Richards' term. Brooks took office in January 1905, with Chatterton remaining secretary of state until his own term expired in January 1907. [back]
Note 3: Cody probably refers to Hinkle's appointment as deputy secretary of state of Wyoming in 1904. [back]
Note 4: Probably a reference to Pahaska Tepee, a tourist lodge Cody built near the east entrance to Yellowstone National Park. Pahaska Tepee is located near the mouth of Middle Creek, which flows into the North Fork of the Shoshone River. Cody's small hotel at Pahaska was completed in 1904. [back]
Note 5: William F. Cody organized a company called Cody's Wyoming Coal Company, which worked coal deposits near the Burlington Railroad right-of-way northeast of the town of Cody. The coal was not of high quality, and sold only in local markets. William F. Cody's stock certificates for this company were issued in February 1904. [back]