Draped in Snow—The Vatican Denies that Dr. McGlynn's Case Is to be Reopened.
The Squadron of Evolution Arrives in Italian Waters—Fêtes at the Villa Borghese—Grand Prix de Rome.
ROME, March 2.The Vatican authorizes me to say that there is no truth in the report of Dr. McGlynn's case being re-opened.
No communication, direct or indirect, has been received about this case since it was closed. The only way it can be re-opened is through Archbishop Corrigan or Dr. McGlynn's personal recantation.
The first observation in the Vatican meteorological observatory, opened to-day, was a snowstorm, the first one in two years. Bulletins are to be published every day.
The Vatican's official organ claims that the German Emperor was inspired to issue the labor rescripts by a former speech of Pope Leo XIII. to the French workingmen. It commends the Emperor's attitude.
His Holiness yesterday received the Cardinals and the Prelates of his household on the occasion of his birthday. In the course of a speech he spoke of his intention to publish a new encyclical on the social question.
There is a tremendous rush for tickets to the Vatican to-morrow, when the Pope celebrates the anniversary of his coronation and receives Buffalo Bill with his Indians and cowboys.
Special permission has been granted, allowing Indians and cowboys to appear without swallow tail coats.