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  • Title: International Horticultural and "Wild West" Exhibitions
  • Periodical: Daily News
  • Date: August 6, 1892
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INTERNATIONAL HORTICULTURAL AND "WILD WEST" EXHIBITIONS.—The grand stand of Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" was on Thursday afternoon nearly half filled with children, to the number of 1,265, belonging to the schools of St. Albans, and to many other schools in all the neighbouring towns and villages. Miss Bingham, of St. Albans, who takes a deep interest in the schools, was the prime mover and organiser of the day's festivities, and it was at her expense that the children had this treat. They left St. Albans by two special trains, and it is worthy of note that the majority of them travelled for the first time in that way. It was also the first time that many of them had ever witnessed a public entertainment, so it may easily be imagined that the little ones were most enthusiastic at all they saw at Buffalo Bill's, and equally delighted with the gardens, the side shows, and many other attractions which the Horticultural affords. A substantial tea was provided for them also at Miss Bingham's invitation, but that lady was unfortunately absent through illness, her place being taken by her brother, Mr. W. H. Bingham-Cox, well known in politics and journalism, Mr. R. L. Samuel acting as director, and the Rev. H. W. Taylor, chairman of the St. Albans School Board, assisting. Each child and teacher was presented with a brand-new threepenny-piece in commeration of the event, and the pipers of the Scots Guards, who accompanied the party, performed several pieces as the company marched through the building into the gardens. Among other visitors yesterday afternoon was Sir John E. Millais, R.A., who went chiefly to hear the various bands.

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