The forehead is broad, square and practical. The deep setting of the eyes in their sockets demotes great shrewdness of perception. The fulness under the eyes means eloquence and verbal expression, and the downward projection of the outer corner of the eyebrows means contest and the ambition to excel. The unevenness of the hairs of the eyebrows show hastiness of temper and irritability when under restraint. The thinness of the bridge of the nose indicates generosity and the love of spending money. The length of the nostrils shows activity; the manner in which they dilate and curl—pride; their size denotes courage. The transparency of the eyelids and the fineness of the lashes is indicative of a keenly sensitive and benevolent nature. The angle of the jaw demotes determination and strength of the purpose, but the narrowness of the lower part of the chin suggest a complete absence of coarseness or brutality. The length of the throat indicates a marvellous independence of spirit.