Title: (Buffalo Bill geht) | (Buffalo Bill is departing)

Periodical: Wiener Tageblatt

Date: May 27, 1890

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German | English


(Buffalo Bill geht.)

"Wiener Tagblatt" Vienna May 27th/90

Buffalo Bill wird, wie seine vielfarbigen Plakate ankünden, bereits Donnerstag, den 29. d. mit seinem „Wild West“ Wien verlassen, um sich nach Dresden zu begeben. Dieser so kurze Aufenhalt in unsere Stadt wird einigermaßen überraschen; die wirklich originellen Leistungen der Truppe ließen erwarten, daß dieselbe geraume Zeit hier verweilen werde, aber trotzdem sieht sich Buffalo Bill gezwungen, bereits nach kaum zwanzig Vorstellungen seine Wigwams abzubrechen. Die Unternehmung hat in Wien nicht jenen Zuspruch und jene Theilnahme gefunden, die sie erwarten zu dürfen glaubte. So hält es Buffalo Bill für angezeigt, Wien früher zu verlassen. Vor seiner Ankunft in Wien verweilte Buffalo Bill durch längere Zeit in München; er hatte dort bei seinen Vorstellungen einen durchschnittlichen Besuch von fünf– bis sechstausend Personen; in Wien hingegen reichte die Durchschnittsziffer nicht viel über — fünfzehnhundert hinaus. Außerdem hatte Buffalo Bill hier ausnehmend große Regiekosten; das Areal, auf welchem er seine Vorstellungen gab, hatte er in der Erwartung eines längeren Aufenthaltes für eine Zeit von drei Monaten gepachtet; die Pachtsumme für die restirende Zeit von fast zweieinhalb Monaten mußte er natürlich erlegen. — Der Besuch während der beiden Feiertage war ein ausnehmend starker, doch konnte derselbe die Leitung der Gesellschaft nicht zu längerem Verbleiben in Wien veranlassen.

English | German

(Buffalo Bill is departing.)

As announced by his multi-colored posters, Buffalo Bill and his "Wild West" company will be leaving Vienna [1] tomorrow, Thursday the 29th, to travel to Dresden. It will come as a surprise to some that his visit to our city should have been so brief; the truly original performances by the troupe had led to expectations that it would remain here for a good length of time, but in spite of this Buffalo Bill feels compelled to dismantle his wigwams already after barely twenty performances. The undertaking has not been met in Vienna with the acclaim and level of participation which it anticipated for itself. Accordingly, Buffalo Bill considers it advisable to leave Vienna earlier than expected. Prior to his arrival in Vienna, Buffalo Bill spent quite some time in Munich; in that city, his show was attended by an average of some five to six thousand spectators; in Vienna, on the other hand, the average attendance was not much greater than fifteen hundred. In addition, Buffalo Bill was faced here with exceptionally high running costs; the ground on which he presented his performances had been leased by him for a period of three months, in expectation of a lengthy stay; he has naturally been obliged to pay the total rent for the residual term of nearly two and a half months. His performances over the two-day public holiday period were particularly successful, but this has not permitted the management of the company to tarry longer in Vienna.

Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Vienna, Austria, May 8-29, 1890. [back]

Title: (Buffalo Bill geht) | (Buffalo Bill is departing)

Periodical: Wiener Tageblatt

Source: McCracken Research Library, MS6.3776.01.03

Date: May 27, 1890

Topic: Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Germany

Keywords: German language Historical reenactments Operating costs Traveling exhibitions Wigwams

Places: Dresden (Germany) Munich (Germany) Vienna (Austria)

Transcribed and translated by: Benn, James H.; Roberts, Briana

Sponsor: This project is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and by the Geraldine W. & Robert J. Dellenback Foundation.

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