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1 10.375 x 13.875 b&w mounted photograph
1 10.375 x 8.125 b&w photograph
1 10.5 x 13.5 b&w print
1 10.9 x 13.8 in b&w photograph
1 11.0 x 13.1in b&w mounted photograph
1 11.375 x 8.5 b&w mounted photograph
1 11.4 x 9.0 in mounted b&w photograph
1 11.9 x 9. in b&w photograph
1 12.7 x 5.4 in mounted b&w photograph
1 13 x 16.9 in b&w photograph
1 13.3 x 10.7 in b&w photographic print
1 13.75 x 10.25 b&w mounted photograph
1 1.43 x 1.97 in b&w photograph
1 14.625 x 10.5 b&w mounted photograph
1 16.1 x 11.1 in mounted photograph
2 2.2 x 3.8 in b&w mounted photograph
2 2.75 x 4.5 b&w photograph
1 28" x 41" woodblock engraved print
1 28.5" x 19"
1 2.94 x 5.05 b&w photographic print
1 2.97 x 5.09 b&w photographic print
1 30" x 20"
1 3.0 x 3.1 in b&w one half stereographic card
1 3.0 X 4.2 in b&w photograph
1 3.0 X 5.0in b&w photographic print
1 3.2 x 4.9 in mounted photograph
1 3.35 x 4.3 b&w photographic print
1 3.375 x 3.375 b&w mounted photograph
1 3.375 x 3.625 sepia stereograph card
1 3.51 x 4.41 in b&w photograph
1 3.6 x 5.4 in b&w photograph
1 3.6 x 5.6 in mounted photograph
1 3.625 x 4.75 in b&w photograph
1 3.74 x 4.78 b&w photographic print
1 3.875 x 2.875 b&w mounted photograph
1 3.875 x 5.5 b&w photograph
1 39.5" x 30.25"
1 4 x 5 b&w photographic print
1 4 x 5 b&w print
5 4 x 5 glass plate negative
1 4 x 5 in glass plate negative
1 4 x 5.5 b&w cabinet photograph
1 4.0 x 6.0 in b&w photographic print
1 4.1 X 6.4 in b&w cartes de visite
1 4.2 x 6.1 in photographic print
2 4.2 x 6.2 in b&w cartes de visite
1 4.2 x 6.4 in b&w cartes de visite
1 4.2 x 6.5 in b&w carte de visite
10 4.2 x 6.5 in b&w cartes de visite
5 4.2 x 6.5 in cartes de visite
7 4.2 x 6.6 in cartes de visite
1 4.25 x 6.25 b&w photographic copy of cabinet photograph
1 4.3 x 5.9 in b&w cartes de visite
1 4.3 x 6.5 in b&w cartes de visite
5 4.3 x 6.5 in cartes de visite
6 4.3 x 6.6 in b&w cartes de visite
3 4.3 x 6.6 in cartes de visite
1 4.32 x 6.59 in b&w cartes de visite
1 4.4 x 6.3 in hand tinted b&w mounted photograph
1 4.5 x 3.5 in mounted photograph
1 4.6 x 6.5 in b&w photograph
1 4.6 x 6.6 in b&w photograph
1 4.7 x 3.0 in mounted b&w photograph
1 4.7 x 6.4 in b&w photograph
1 4.75 x 7.625 b&w photograph
1 4.8 X 3.6 in b&w mounted photograph
1 4.8 x 4.1 in b&w photographic print
1 4.80 x 3.69 b&w photographic print
1 4.9 x 3.9 in b&w photographic print
1 5 x 3.875 b&w photograph
1 5 x 7.188 b&w photograph
1 5.0 x 3.8 in b&w photographic print
1 5.0 x 3.9 in b&w photographic prints
1 5.2 x 8.4 in b&w cartes de visite
2 5.2 x 8.5 in b&w cartes de visite
1 5.2 x 8.5 in b&w photograph
1 5.4 x 7.5 in b&w photograph
1 5.5 x 3.375 b&w photographic copy of photograph
1 5.5 x 4.325 b&w photograph
1 5.6 x 7.4 in b&w photograph
1 5.625 x 4 b&w photograph
1 5.875 x 11 b&w photographic copy
1 6 x 4.25 b&w mounted photograph
1 6 x 4.25 in b&w photograph Master scanned at 16 bit grayscale, 1000dpi, scaled 100% in size by Mack Frost with a Kodak (Creo) iQsmart3 flatbed scanner. Image processed using Adobe PhotoShop CS and CS3 software.
1 6.0 x 4.0 in b&w photograph
2 6.0 x 4.2 in photographic print
1 6.1 x 8.0 in b&w mounted photograph
1 6.2 x 7.6 in b&w photograph
1 6.25 x 3.5 b&w cabinet photograph
1 6.29 x 4.46 in b&w photograph
1 6.313 x 4.125 b&w photograph
1 6.4 X 4.2 in b&w cartes de visite
1 6.4 x 4.3 b&w photograph Master scanned at 16 bit grayscale, 1000 dpi, scaled 100% in size by Mack Frost with a Kodak (Creo) iQsmart3 flatbed scanner. Image processed using Adobe PhotoShop CS and CS3 software.
1 6.4 x 9.1 in photographic print
2 6.5 x 4.2 in cartes de visite
1 6.5 x 4.3 in b&w photograph
1 6.5 x 4.4 in b&w photograph
2 6.5 x 9.1 in photographic print
1 6.5 x 9.2 in photographic print
1 6.56 x 4.32 b&w cartes de visite
1 6.6 x 4.3 in cartes de visite
1 6.6 x 4.7 in b&w photographic print
1 6.6 x 5.2 in b&w photograph
1 6.7 x 4.9; b&w photograph
2 6.8 x 4.8 in b&w photograph
1 6.8 x 4.9 in b&w photograph
1 6.9 x 8.9 in mounted photograph
1 7.0 x 5.0 in b&w photograph
1 7.063 x 4.938 b&w photograph
1 7.063 x 5 b&w photograph
1 7.1 x 9.0 in mounted photograph
2 7.125 x 5 b&w photograph
1 7.2 x 9.8 in mounted photograph
1 7.3 x 9.2 in mounted photograph
1 7.375 x 5.125 b&w mounted photograph
1 7.4 x 12.9 in cartes de visite
1 7.4 x 9.5 b&w photograph
1 7.4 x 9.5 in b&w photographic print
1 7.5 x 7.2 in b&w mounted photograph
1 7.5 x 9.6 in b&w mounted photograph
1 7.6 x 9.6 in b&w photograph
1 7.7 x 13.2 in cartes de visite
1 8 x 5.875 b&w mounted photograph
1 8.0 x 6.0 in mounted b&w photograph
3 8.2 x 4.8 in photographic print
1 8.5 x 5.3 in b&w cartes de visite
1 8.625 x 6.25 b&w mounted photograph
1 8.7 x 11.9 in photographic print
1 8.7 x 12.7 in cartes de visite
1 8.7 x 6.6 in mounted photograph
1 9.3 x 7.4 in b&w mounted photograph
1 9.4 x 7.5 in b&w mounted photograph
1 9.4 x 7.5 in b&w photographic print
1 9.5 x 4.5 in mounted b&w photograph
1 9.5 x 7.6 in b&w mounted photograph
1 9.5 x 7.6 in photographic print
1 9.625 x 7.75 b&w mounted photograph
1 9.7 x 7.5 in b&w photograph
1 9.875 x 8.25 b&w mounted photograph
1 9.9 x 11.7 in b&w mounted photograph
3 advertisement
1106 article
28 audio
2 biography
1 blueprint
2 book
1 card
10 chapter
1 circular
15 contract
1 description
1 Drawing
1 envelope
1 historiography
1 html
345 letter
1 letters
147 list
6 manuscript
1 map
1 masthead
1 page
1 pamphlet
1 part
1 photograph
48 platinum print; paper
14 program
1 receipt
55 record
2 report
1 routebook
1 scrapbook
49 telegram
52 type
20 video
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