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Browse by Places

2 Aachen (Germany)
1 Abilene (Kan.)
1 Adelphi Theatre (London, England)
1 Afghanistan
1 Airdrie (Scotland)
1 Akron (Ohio)
2 Albany (N.Y.)
1 Albany Hotel
1 Albuquerque (N.M.)
2 Alsace-Lorraine (Germany)
1 Ambrose (N.D.)
1 Ambrose Park (N.Y.)
6 Antwerp (Belgium)
2 Appomattox (Va.)
4 Argentina
4 Arizona
2 Arkansas
1 Arkansas River
1 Armenia
4 Ashford (Kent, England)
1 Asia
1 Asiatic Russia
1 Australia
5 Austria
1 Baden (Austria)
6 Badlands (N.D.)
6 Badlands (S.D. and Neb.)
7 Baltimore (Md.)
1 Baraboo (Wis.)
10 Barcelona (Spain)
5 Bavaria (Germany)
3 Belgium
1 Benton (Wyo.)
19 Berlin (Germany)
2 Bighorn Basin (Mont. and Wyo.)
3 Bighorn Mountains (Wyo. and Mont.)
1 Birmingham (Ala.)
5 Birmingham (England)
16 Black Hills (S.D. and Wyo.)
1 Bois de la Cambre (Brussels, Belgium)
1 Boise (Idaho)
1 Bologna (Italy)
4 Boston (Mass.)
1 Brabant (Belgium)
1 Braine-l'Alleud (Belgium)
8 Bremen (Germany)
2 Bridgeport (Conn.)
1 Bridgwater (England)
2 Brighton (England)
1 Brighton (England)?
1 Brighton (England)‏
5 Bristol (England)
5 Brompton (Kent, England)
13 Brompton (London, England)
12 Brompton Cemetery (London, England)
30 Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.)
1 Brown Palace Hotel
6 Brussels (Belgium)
3 Buckingham Palace (London, England)
13 Buenos Aires (Argentina)
1 Buffalo Bill Dam (Wyo.)
1 Café Bauer (Berlin, Germany)
1 Cairo (Ill.)
2 Calgary (Alta.)
3 California
2 Campagna di Roma (Italy)
2 Canada
1 Canterbury (England)
1 Cape Cod Bay (Mass.)
7 Cardiff (Wales)
1 Castile (Spain)
1 Caucasus
3 Chadron (Neb.)
2 Charleston (S.C.)
1 Chatham (Kent, England)
1 Chatham Dockyard (Great Britain)
1 Cheapside (London, England)
10 Cheyenne (Wyo.)
1 Cheyenne River Indian Reservation (S.D.)
33 Chicago (Ill.)
1 Chicopee (Mass.)
3 Cincinnati (Ohio)
5 Cleveland (Ohio)
1 Coatbridge (Scotland)
1 Cody (Neb.)
16 Cody (Wyo.)
1 Coeur d'Alene (Idaho)
3 Cologne (Germany)
1 Colombia
18 Colorado
5 Colorado Springs (Colo.)
2 Colosseum (Rome, Italy)
1 Columbus (Neb.)
1 Columbus (Ohio)
1 Concord (Mass.)
1 Coney Island (New York, N.Y.)
2 Covent Garden (London, England)
2 Crawford (Neb.)
1 Croydon (London, England)‏
3 Crystal Palace (London, England)
12 Cuba
1 Cuyahoga County (Ohio)
2 Dallas (Tex.)
1 Danbury Hospital (Danbury, Conn.)
1 Danville (Ill.)
5 Darke County (Ohio)
2 Davenport (Iowa)
9 Deadwood (S.D.)
1 Delaware River Watershed (N.Y.-Del. and N.J.)
1 Delmonico's Restaurant (New York, N.Y.)
1 DeMaris Hot Springs (Wyo.)
1 Denmark
2 Dennistoun (Glasgow, Scotland)
31 Denver (Colo.)
1 Des Moines (Iowa)
4 Detroit (Mich.)
1 Deuben (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany)
2 Dodge City (Kan.)
1 Dorchester (Dorset, England)
15 Dresden (Germany)
1 Düsseldorf (Germany)
432 Earl's Court (London, England)
2 Edinburgh (Scotland)
1 Edison Laboratory
9 Egypt
1 El Caney (Cuba)
1 Elba (Italy)
18 England
1 Epsom (England)
2 Estes Park (Colo.)
16 Europe
1 Excelsior Springs (Mo.)
1 Fall River (Mass.)
1 Farnborough (Hampshire, England)
1 Flagstaff (Ariz.)
9 Florence (Italy)
1 Florida
1 Fort Bridger (Wyo.)
1 Fort Churchill (Nev.)
3 Fort Dodge (Fort Dodge, Kan.)
2 Fort Fetterman (Wyo.)
1 Fort Hall (Idaho : Fort)
1 Fort Hall Indian Reservation (Idaho)
8 Fort Hays (Kan.)
4 Fort Kearny (Neb.)
6 Fort Keogh (Mont.)
6 Fort Laramie (Wyo.)
5 Fort Larned (Larned, Kan.)
3 Fort Leavenworth (Kan.)
2 Fort Logan (Colo.)
1 Fort Lyon (Colo.)
1 Fort McKinney (Wyo.)
10 Fort McPherson (Neb.)
1 Fort Missoula (Mont.)
1 Fort Ord (Calif.)
4 Fort Phil Kearny (Wyo.)
1 Fort Reno (Okla.)
4 Fort Riley (Kan.)
3 Fort Robinson (Neb.)
2 Fort Sanders (Wyo.)
5 Fort Sedgwick (Colo.)
13 Fort Sheridan (Ill.)
2 Fort Sill Military Reservation (Okla.)
1 Fort Snelling (Minn.)
1 Fort Stevens (Or.)
1 Fort Sully (S.D.)
1 Fort Thompson (S.D. : Fort)
2 Fort Yates (N.D.)
5 France
1 Frankenberg (Hesse, Germany)
1 Frankfort am Main (Germany)
1 Garden of the Gods (Colorado Springs, Colo.)
1 Genoa (Italy)
24 Germany
1 Gettysburg (Pa.)
3 Ghent (Belgium)
1 Gibraltar
24 Glasgow (Scotland)
1 Glen Falls (N.Y.)
1 Gordon (Neb.)
1 Grand Canyon (Ariz.)
1 Grand Central Terminal (New York, N.Y.)
9 Great Britain
1 Great Salt Lake (Utah)
2 Greece
1 Greenock (Scotland)
1 Guadalupe Mountains (N.M. and Tex.)
3 Guthrie (Okla.)
11 Hamburg (Germany)
1 Hampstead (London, England)
2 Hampton Court (Richmond upon Thames, London, England)
1 Hanibal (Mo.)
1 Hannover (Germany)
4 Hawaii
1 Hay Springs (Neb.)
1 Hays (Kan.)
2 Heidelberg (Germany)
1 Helena (Ark.)
2 Highlands (Scotland)
1 Hinton (W. Va.)
1 Hotel Manhattan
1 Hove (England)
2 Hull (England)
3 Hungary
1 Hurlingham Club (London, England)
2 Hyde Park (London, England)
4 Idaho
4 Illinois
7 India
1 Inverness (Scotland)
9 Iowa
1 Iowa City (Iowa)
1 Ipswich (England)
3 Ireland
4 Irma Hotel (Cody, Wyo.)
1 Isle of Wight (England)
9 Italy
2 Ithaca (N.Y.)
1 Jacksonville (Ill.)
1 Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia)
25 Kansas
5 Kansas City (Mo.)
1 Kansas River (Kan.)
2 Kansas Territory
14 Kensington (London, England)
3 Kentucky
1 Koblenz (Germany)
1 Krefeld (Germany)
4 Kuban River (Georgia and Russia)
1 Kuban River Delta (Russia)
2 Kutaisi (Georgia)
1 La Crosse (Wis.)
3 Lancashire (England)
3 Laramie (Wyo.)
3 Lawton (Okla.)
4 Le Claire (Iowa)
2 Le Havre (France)
2 Leadville (Colo.)
4 Leavenworth (Kan.)
9 Leeds (England)
1 Leicestershire (England)
1 Leine River (Germany)
7 Leipzig (Germany)
1 Liberia
1 Limerick (Limerick, Ireland)
2 Lincoln (Kan.)
1 Lincolnshire (England)
8 Little Bighorn Battlefield (Mont.)
2 Little Bighorn River (Wyo. and Mont.)
3 Little Missouri River (Wyo.-N.D.)
1 Little Sandy Creek (Sublette County, Wyo.)
9 Liverpool (England)
1 Livorno (Italy)
1 London.
512 London (England)
1 London Zoo (London, England)
1 Longsight (England)
2 Lookout Mountain (Colo.)
1 Louisville (Ky.)
2 Lyon (France)
1 Lyric Theatre (London, England)
1 Madame Tussaud's
9 Madison Square Garden (New York, N.Y.)
26 Manchester (England)
1 Margate (England)
1 Marquette, Wyoming
2 Marseille (France)
1 Maryland
1 Maywood (Ill.)
1 Meaford (Ont.)
1 Mediterranean Sea
1 Meeker (Colo.)
6 Mexico
1 Michigan
3 Midlands (England)
3 Milan (Italy)
1 Miles City (Mont.)
1 Milwaukee (Wis.)
9 Minnesota
1 Mississippi River
1 Missoula (Mont.)
9 Missouri
5 Missouri River
1 Mohorn (Germany)
8 Montana
1 Monte Mario (Rome, Italy)
1 Montréal (Québec)
1 Morganfield (Ky.)
1 Morrison (Colo.)
2 Moscow (Russia)
1 Muncie (Ind.)
9 Munich (Germany)
1 Muskogee (Okla.)
3 Napa County (Calif.)
14 Naples (Italy)
40 Nebraska
1 Nebraska City (Neb.)
2 Nevada
1 New Haven (Conn.)
5 New Mexico
6 New Orleans (La.)
5 New Rochelle (N.Y.)
6 New York
35 New York (N.Y.)
1 New York (State)
1 Newcastle upon Tyne (England)
2 Newport (R.I.)
1 Nice (France)
1 Niles (Calif.)
1 Niobrara (Neb.)
2 Niobrara River Watershed (Wyo. and Neb.)
1 Norfolk (Va.)
1 North America
11 North Dakota
21 North Platte (Neb.)
2 North Platte River
1 Norway
1 Norwich (Conn.)
5 Nottingham (England)
1 Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926
3 Oelrichs (S.D.)
1 Ogallala (Neb.)
2 Ohio
6 Oklahoma
4 Olympia (London, England)
18 Omaha (Neb.)
1 Orange (N.J.)
2 Oregon
1 Orlôans (France)
1 Overland Park (Kan.)
1 Pacific Ocean
1 Paddington Station (London, England)
1 Paducah (Ky.)
1 Pahaska Tepee (Hotel)
1 Paisley (Scotland)
23 Pampas (Argentina)
1 Panama Canal (Panama)
27 Paris (France)
2 Park County (Wyo.)
1 Patagonia (Argentina and Chile)
1 Pawhuska (Okla.)
1 Pawnee (Okla.)
1 Pawnee Indians
1 Pecos Pueblo Site (N.M.)
1 Peebles (Scotland)
1 Pekin (Ill.)
3 Pennsylvania
2 Peoria (Ill.)
1 Peterborough (England)
1 Petersburg (Va.)
14 Philadelphia (Pa.)
6 Philippines
3 Piccadilly (London, England)
1 Pierre (S.D.)
3 Pine Ridge (S. D.)
26 Pine Ridge (S.D.)
1 Pine Ridge Indian Agency (S.D.)
107 Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (S.D.)
2 Pirna (Germany)
1 Pisa (Italy)
1 Pistoia (Italy)
2 Pittsburg (Pa.)
5 Platte River (Neb.)
2 Pocatello (Idaho)
1 Pompeii (Extinct city)
1 Pontassieve (Italy)
1 Pontine Marshes (Italy)
1 Porcupine Butte (S.D.)
1 Porstendorf (Germany)
2 Portsmouth (England)
1 Powder River (Wyo. and Mont.)
1 Powder River Valley (Wyo. and Mont.)
1 Prati di Castello (Rome, Italy)
1 Prato (Italy)
2 Prince of Wales Theatre (London, England)
1 Prussia (Germany)
3 Puerto Rico
2 Pyramid Lake (Nev.)
2 Quincy (Ill.)
1 Rabenau (Germany)
1 Red Rocks Park (Colo.)
1 Red Water River (Mont.)
1 Republican River (Neb. and Kan.)
2 Rhine Province (Germany)
1 Rhine River
1 Richmond upon Thames (London, England)
2 Rio Grande (Colo.-Mexico and Tex.)
2 Riviera (France)
5 Rochester (N.Y.)
1 Rock Springs (Wyo.)
7 Rocky Mountains
55 Rome (Italy)
3 Rosebud (S.D.)
10 Rosebud Indian Reservation (S.D.)
2 Royal Alhambra Theatre (London, England)
1 Royal Infirmary (Sheffield, England)
1 Royal Queen's Theatre (Manchester, England)
4 Rushville (Neb.)
14 Russia
1 Sacramento (Calif.)
1 Saint Helena
1 Saint Joseph (Mo.)
4 Saint Louis (Mo.)
1 Saint Paul (Minn.)
1 Saint Petersburg (Russia)
10 Salford (Greater Manchester, England)
2 Salt Lake City (Utah)
8 San Francisco (Calif.)
3 San Juan Hill
8 San Juan Hill (Cuba)
1 Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)
3 Santiago de Cuba Bay (Cuba)
2 Savage Club (London, England)
1 Savannah (Ga.)
1 Saxe-Meiningen
2 Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)
4 Scotland
4 Scott County (Iowa)
1 Sedgwick County (Kan.)
1 Shawneetown (Ill.)
6 Sheffield (England)
1 Sheridan (Wyo.)
34 Shoshone Irrigation District (Wyo.)
1 Shrewsbury (England)?
1 Siena (Italy)
1 Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.)
1 Silver City (N.M.)
1 Sioux City (Iowa)
5 Smoky Hill River (Colo. and Kan.)
1 Soignies (Belgium)
5 South America
3 South Carolina
14 South Dakota
11 South Kensington (London, England)
4 Spain
1 Springfield (Ill.)
4 St. Albans (England)
4 St. George's Hospital (London, England)
7 St. Louis (Mo.)
6 St. Paul's Cathedral (London, England)
11 Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.)
1 Stanley County (S.D.)
1 Stapleton (New York, N.Y.)
11 Staten Island (New York, N.Y.)
2 Stoke-on-Trent (England)
1 Stonehenge (England)
3 Strasbourg (France)
8 Strasburg (Germany)
2 Stuttgart (Germany)
16 Summit Springs (Colo.)
1 Swansea (Wales)
1 Sweden
9 Tabor Opera House
1 Tacoma (Wash.)
1 Tampa (Fla.)
1 Terek River (Georgia and Russia)
10 Texas
2 Thames River (England)
1 Tharandt (Germany)
1 Thermopylae (Greece)
1 Tierra del Fuego (Argentina and Chile)
1 Toledo (Ohio)
1 Tombouctou (Mali)
1 Tongue River (Wyo. and Mont.)
1 Topeka (Kan.)
1 Toronto (Ont.)
1 Tower of London (London, England)
1 Trafalgar Square (London, England)
1 Trossachs (Scotland)
1 Tucson (Ariz.)
1 Tyneside (England)
2 Ukraine
1 Union Square (New York, N.Y.)
3 United States
1 United States Indian School (Carlisle, Pa.)
1 Ural Mountains Region (Russia)
4 Utah
1 Utica (N.Y.)
1 Valentine (Neb.)
3 Valley Falls (Kan.)
1 Valley Forge (Pa.)
1 Vassar College
17 Vatican City
5 Venice (Italy)
1 Verona (Italy)
1 Vesper (Kan.)
4 Vesuvius (Italy)
3 Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901
9 Vienna (Austria)
1 Virginia
2 Wales
20 Warbonnet Creek (Neb.)
1 Washington
53 Washington (D.C.)
4 Waterloo (Belgium)
1 Wausau (Wis.)
1 Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852
1 Westchester (Pa.)
1 Westminster Abbey
1 Whalley Range (Manchester, England)
1 Whipple Barracks (Ariz.)
1 White Clay Creek (S. D.)
2 White Clay Creek (S.D.)
1 Wichita (Ks.)
3 Wilkes-Barre (Pa.)
1 Wilmington, (N.C.)
1 Wimbledon (London, England)
4 Windsor Castle
5 Wisconsin
1 Woodbridge (Suffolk, England)
1 Woolwich (London, England)
1 Worcester (Mass.)
5 Wounded Knee (S. D.)
22 Wounded Knee (S.D.)
19 Wyoming
1 Yellowstone National Park
4 Yellowstone River
2 Yellowstone River Valley
2 Youngstown (Ohio)
1 Zanesville (Ohio)
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