Office of the Lincoln Land Company,
Rooms 20 to 23, Burr Block.
Lincoln, Neb.
Removed to Rooms 33-36, No. 1241 O St.
C. H. Morrill, President.
A. B. Minor, Sec'y and Treasurer.
Quotations of Prices Are Subject to Change without Notice.
Dear Sir:- I herewith enclose copy of agreement with you as Trustee, duly signed and acknowledged. I also enclose a blue print on which I have indicated all of the lots that were sold or given away by the Old Townsite Company. The lots marked X have been deeded to those claiming ownership, the deeds having been made on receipt of order from Mr. Beck, approved by you, as Trustee. The lots marked O are among the number that were sold or given away by the old Company on which deeds have not been issued up to this date. The five lots in Block 51, belong to Mr. Beck. The total number of lots given away or sold, as indicated, is 220. The number on which the deeds have been issued up to date without consideration to the New Company is 159. The number of lots for which deeds have not been requested is 61. You will also note that the value of these lots would be about $25000. 00 . These lots having been sold and on the market have interfered very much with our sales. You see it will be impo sible for us to do very much business until all of these lots are sold to parties who will occupy them. It has now been about a year and a half since the Railroad Company came to Cody, and it se ems to me that where parties have not shown any disposition to pay up on their lots, or ask for deed, the time has arrived to refuse to recognize any claim they may have, unless it be where they hold papers whereby they could force us to make deed. As stated on the margin of this map, the lots marked X and O refer only to the lots claimed to have been given away or sold before the Lincoln Land Company had any interest in the townsite of Cody. The Lincoln Land Company we purchased from other parties 16 of these lots, which have been sold. These lots are not included in the number indicated on the blue print. This also refers only to the lots which had been given away and that was afterwards repurchased for a small consideration by this Company for the benefit of the new Cody Town Site Co.
Yours truly, C. H. Morrill.Pres.
Enc agreement and plat.
Note: Link to agreement and plat.