Office of Lincoln Land Company
Rooms 33-36, 1241 O Street
Lincoln, Neb. Cody
C. H. Morrill, President.
A. B. Minor, Sec'y and Treasurer.
Quotations of Prices Are Subject to Change without Notice.
(Enc statement and remittance.)
Jan. 10, 1903. Mr. Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, 78 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y.Dear Sir:- We hand you herewith statement of the business transacted with respect to the Cody property for the six months ending Dec. 31, 1902, which shows a net balance from this property of $1277.59, for which amount we hand you herewith draft on the Chemical National Bank of New York. Be kind enough to sign, date and return the accompanying voucher.
We trust you will find the statement satisfactory
Yours truly, ABMinorSec'y
Enc statement and remittance.