Office of Lincoln Land Company
401 North Fourth Street
Burlington, Iowa
(Address All Correspondence To The Company)
Charles E. Perkins, President
A. B. Minor, Vice-President
W. W. Turner, Sec'y and Treas.
F. N. Pearson, Ass't to President
Incorporated April, 1880
Quotations of Prices Are Subject to Change without Notice
Re. Balance due on Cody Townsite.
April 1st, 1913. Mr. Bronson Rumsey, 696 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, New York, Dear Sir:-Yours of the 18th ultimo, advising us that you were unable to collect from the different joint owners, amount due this Company, on property owned jointly, of which you are Trustee, is received.
We suppose that, if this is the condition of things, there is nothing left for us to do but to carry the balance charged against it, and charge the usual rate of interest on that balance until it is finally settled.
Very truly yours, W. W. Turner.Secretary.