Office of Lincoln Land Company
401 North Fourth Street
Burlington, Iowa
(Address All Correspondence To The Company)
Charles E. Perkins, President
A. B. Minor, Vice-President
W. W. Turner, Sec'y and Treas.
F. N. Pearson, Ass't to President
Incorporated April, 1880
Quotations of Prices Are Subject To Change without Notice [end letterhead imprint]
Re. Cody Stmt.
July 14, 1913. Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, 696 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, New York, Dear Sir:-I enclose herewith stament of business transacted by the Lincoln Land Company, with respect to the half interest in property owned joint with it, at Cody, which you represent as trustee, for the six months ending June 30, 1913, the same showing a balance due the Lincoln Land Company of $1180.86.
If it is possible, we would like to receive a substantial payment on this balance, as we are greatly in need of funds to meet some large disbursements, which mature August 1st, next.
Very truly yours, W. W. TurnerSecretary. Enc. StMt.
Sent them $600.00 on July 23. 1913