Office of Lincoln Land Company
401 North Fourth Street
Burlington, Iowa
(Address All Correspondence to The Company)
Charles E. Perkins, President
A. B. Minor, Vice-President
W. W. Turner, Sec'y and Treas.
F. N. Pearson, Ass't to President
Incorporated April, 1880
Quotations of Prices Are Subject To Change without Notice
Re. Remittance on Cody Property.
July 25, 1913. Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, 676 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, New York, Dear Sir:-We have yours of the 23rd instant, enclosing check for $600.00, to be applied on the indebtedness of Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, account with the Lincoln Land Company.
We wish to thank you for helping us out in this matter.
Very truly yours, W. W. Turner.Secretary CLB