Office of Lincoln Land Company
401 North Fourth St.
P. O. Drawer 551
Burlington, Iowa
(Address All Correspondence to the Company)
Charles E. Perkins, President
A. B. Minor, Vice-President
W. W. Turner, Sec'y and Treas.
F. N. Pearson, Ass't to President
Incorporated April, 1880
Quotations of Prices Are Subject to Change without Notice
Re. Semi-Annual Stmt.
January 22nd, 1914. Mr. Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, 696 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, New York, Dear Sir:-I hand you herewith statement of business transacted by the Lincoln Land Company, with respect to the one-half interest held by you, as Trustee, at Cody, for the six months ending December 31st, 1913, which shows a balance due this Company of $1269.72, for which we will be pleased to receive check in settlement.
Very truly yours, W. W. TurnerSecretary.
Enc. Stmt.

Statement of business transacted at Cody, Wyoming, by the Lincoln Land Company, with respect to the one-half interest of Bronson Rumsey, trustee, for the six months ending December 31st, 1913.

Statement ending
Dec. 31. 1913
Note: Document includes cover letter and transaction statement.