(Address All Correspondence to The Company)
Office of Lincoln Land Company
401 North Fourth St.
P. O. Drawer 551
Burlington, Iowa
Charles E. Perkins, President
A. B. Minor, Vice-President
W. W. Turner, Sec'y and Treas.
F. N. Pearson, Ass't to President
Incorporated April, 1880
Quotations of Prices Are Subject to Change without Notice
I enclose herewith assignment form E. B. Allen, to the Lincoln Land Company, of the 1/14 interest, owned by him in the Cody townsite, being the 1/7 interest formerly held by H. C. Alger, of which you are the trustee.
This is sent you for your files, and I also enclose acknowledgement of the assignment by you from Alger to Allan, on the bottom of which you will see I have added another acknowledgement for you to sign, from Mr. Allan to the Lincoln Land Company. If you will please sign, date and return same to us, I will be much obliged.
Very truly yours, W. W. TurnerSecretary.