Cody Trading Co.
It Pays to Pay Cash
Wholesale and Retail
Cody, Wyoming.
J. M. Schwoob M'g'r.
Established 1898
Groceries, O. V. B. Hardware, Majestic Ranges, Retort Heaters, Enameled Ware and Anti-Rust Tinware, Cutlery, Canvas Goods, Tents, Harness and Saddles, Oliver Plows, Studebager Wagons and Buggies, Deering and McCormick Machinery, Stackers and Sweeps, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Sweet-Orr Corduroys, Staley Underwear, Kuppenheimer Clothing, Refrigerators, Oils and Paints, Crockery, Glassware, Trunks, Suit-Cases, Bedding and Sporting Goods and Furnishings.
I enclose a copy of our Profit and Loss Account. You will see that it shows a net profit of $21530.43. We had a very good year last year. Our profit was even greater than I expected, but I do think we are doing better than we ever have.
I am not going into detail in this letter, regarding the various phases. I am quite sure that I will have to go to Chicago and I will drop down and go over the whole thing and have the statement complete. Unless something comes up that I don't know of now I will be in Buffalo in a couple of weeks, as I do think getting to Chicago I would like to come on and go over things with you and Mr. Rumsey.
Yours truly, JMSchwoobJMS/HS