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  • Title: Cover letter and transaction statement ending December 31, 1928, Lincoln Land Company
  • Date: December 31, 1928
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Office of Lincoln Land Company
Incorporated April, 1880
P. O. Drawer 551
Burlington, Iowa
Charles E. Perkins, President
W. W. Turner, Sec'y and Treas.
(Address all Correspondence to the Company)
Quotations of Prices are Subject to Change without Notice

Re. Cody Statement.

Mr. Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, 696 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, New York, Dear Sir:-

Herewith statement showing business transacted with respect to our joint interests at Cody, Wyoming, for the six months ending Dec. 31st, 1928.

You will note there is standing to the credit of the Trustee, at this date, $14,064.86. From this amount we have deducted $2,009.27, being the Lincoln Land Company's 1/7 share of the same, and a like amount which is the 1/7 share of the Estate of W. F. Cody. This Estate is indebted to the Lincoln Land Company and we have applied this share to the credit of the Estate. I also enclose a check for $8,000.00, being the amount to be divided to the remaining 5/7. You will note that we still retain $2,046.32 to the credit of the Trustee which is to insure the payment of taxes soon to mature and also to take care of expense of law-suit now pending against the property.

Will you be kind enough to sign and remail the voucher.

Yours very truly, W. W. Turner
Sec'y. & Treas.


2009.27 - L. L. Co.
2009.27 - Cr. Of Cody Est. - L. L. Co.
8000. BR. Tr.
2046.32 retained


State of Business Transacted by the Lincoln Land Company, at Cody, Wyoming, with respect to the one-half interest of Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, for the six months ending December 31st, 1928.


Price. Paid Balance.
7.28 acres $3,250.00 $ 2,600.00 $ 650.00


Cash payments on above sales $ 2,600.00
Principal collected on outstanding sales 10,508.84
Interest " " " " 824.62
Rent for signboard location 10.00
Abstract fees $ 23.50
Commissions paid on sales 200.00
Surveyor's services 42.50
1st installment 1928 taxes on properties 409.76
Travelling expenses 55.00
Excess of Receipts over Disbursements 13,212.70
___________ __________
$ 13,943.46 $ 13,943.46

Bronson Rumsey, Trustee,
In Account with Lincoln Land Company.

By amount standing to the credit of said Trustee, July, 1, 1928, as per statement rendered $ 7,608.51
By one-half of above excess of Receipts over Disbursements 6,606.35
To services of office force, stationery, postage, etc. for the six months ending Dec. 31st., 1928, @ $25.00 per month 150.00
To Estate of W. F. Cody's 1/7 share of said Trustee's credit balance of $14,064.86 $2,009.27
To Lincoln Land Co.s. 1/7 share of said Trustees credit balance of $14,064.86 2,009.27 4,018.54
Amount standing to the credit of Bronson Rumsey, Trustee, Dec. 31, 1928 $10,046.32
  • Title: Cover letter and transaction statement ending December 31, 1928, Lincoln Land Company
  • Source: McCracken Research Library, MS407 Bronson Rumsey Collection, MS407.1.07.17-18
  • Date: December 31, 1928
  • Sponsor: Supported in part by a grant from the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, a program of the Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources.
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