Scout's Rest Stock Ranch,
Breeders of
Cleveland Bay and Clydesdale Horses,
Hereford and Shorthorn Cattle.
H. S. Boal, Manager.
Chas. Trego, Ranch Foreman.
J. W. Boyer, Farm Foreman.
North Platte, Neb. March 17th, 1894 My. Dear Capt. PenneyI am haveing 500 of the contracts printed. [1] I am going to try and come up and have a talk with You about the first of April. I will not take the Indians till about the 27th of April. Many thanks for letting Shangrau [2] have permission to select the Indians as it will give the Indians time to fix up their own affairs before leaving home— of course this is not final. As I will fix all bonds & contracts with you before taking them.
In regard to Mr Wm Brown
[3] who wishes to go as seasonal interpreter, I think I have promised John Shangrau to take his Brother.
[4] But if its Your wish what Mr Brown
Scout's Rest Stock Ranch,
Breeders of
Cleveland Bay and Clydesdale Horses,
Hereford and Shorthorn Cattle.
H. S. Boal, Manager.
Chas. Trego, Ranch Foreman.
J. W. Boyer, Farm Foreman.
North Platte, Neb., _______ 180__
should go please tell Shangrau and I think it will be alright with the Shangraus.I will be in Omaha for the next five days at the Merchants Hotel— Can I do anything for you there—
Very kind wishes Yours truly W. F. CodyNote 1: Penney appears to have drafted the employment contracts to be used for the Wild West's Indian cast members that year. See Cody's letter to Penney dated January 5, 1894 (wfc.css00015). [back]
Note 2: John Shangreaux. [back]
Note 3: A Lakota man known as William Brown was one of the leaders of a hunting and berry-gathering party that was accosted by a sheriff's posse north of Lusk, Wyoming, in October 1903, and accused of violating game laws. Shots were fired, and several Indians, as well as the sheriff and one of his posse, were killed. The Office of Indian Affairs cited "hasty and imprudent conduct" by the sheriff as the incident's cause. A graduate of Carlisle Indian School, Brown was one of several Lakota men who met with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1908 to ask for more economic opportunities for residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation. [back]
Note 4: Probably Louis Shangrau (or Shangreaux), who had served with his brother John as an Army scout. [back]