We have come in here for rations We have had a fight I killed Yellow Hand A Cheyenne Chief. in a single handed fight You will no doupt hear of it through the papers, I will am going as soon as I reach Fort Laramie the place we are heading for now, Send the War Bonnet Shield bridle whip.
Arms and his Scalp to Kerngood to put up in his window I will write Kerngood to bring it up to the house so that you can show it to the neighbors we are now ordered to join Gen Crook and will be there in two weeks write Me at once to Fort Laramie Fetterman Wyoming. My health is not very good I have worked my self to death. although I have shot at lots of Indians I have only one scalp I can call my one that fellow
I fought single handed in sight of our command and the cheerss that wh went up when he fell was deafening. Well Lulu I have no more time to write now will write from Laramie to every body and long letters
from your Hubby Willie
We have lost Gen Carr Gen Merritt has taken command as he ranks. Carr.
Note: Sister Julia Cody Goodman.