You no doubt will be surprised to hear from me away up in this country. I presume you heard I had gone back to my old life that of a Scout. Well so I did I could not remain East. While this Indian
war was going on without takeing a hand. I went to Cheyenne the first of June. I would have come by and seen you. but the Goverment was hurrying me up so I could not find time. I did not have time to go to Denver and see Nellie & May. So Ed brought them over to Cheyenne. that since then I have been continualy in the saddle I have been in several fights. and killed three Indians
during the summer. I call my own. That is I never say that I kill an Indian without I get his scalp. I sent two scalps east to the Sentennial and have one on the boat with me that I killed one week ago yestarday. But it came near being my last. for the indians had the first shot and tore a small piece out of my side. but it was his last shot. I am now carrying his scalp home
My wound is but a slight one. two weeks at home will fix me all right. then I expect to return to my command I was Chief of Scouts for General Crook. But got seporated from him in carrying dispatches to General Terry and got wounded on my way to Gen Terry. and could not get back to Crook I have no time to write you all so good bye will write you from home. Love to all from your Brother
Note: Year 1876 is determined by events in letter.