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  • Title: Letter from William F. Cody to Samuel Stone "Buckskin Sam" Hall
  • Date: September 2 [1879]
  • Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
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Burtis House. Corner Perry and Fourth Streets. J. J. Burtis, Propietor.

My. Dear. Sam.

I am very sorry old fellow that you should act as you have. but I am glad that it happened as it did. for as I was about to place you in a very responsable position. but I would have made a fearful mistake. as I see you are like most of the prail prairie boys. tangle foot gets away with you—And I will have no one with me thats liable to let whisky get away with  

Burtis House. Corner Perry and Fourth Streets. J. J. Burtis, Propietor. Davenport, Iowa _________ 187_

him. in this business a man must be perfectly reliable and sober. You had better stick to writeing old fellow. then if you want to have a little tare you will infuse no one but your self. I beleive the trip this season would have done you good. but then if you had of come with me I fear we could not have agreed long. for the first time you got off it would have settled it with me. Now. good luck to you. I hope you may do well   and make lots of money[?] with the Pen.

Still your friend. Cody
  • Des Moines. Iowa Sep. 9
  • Peoria, Ills 13
  • Quincey, Ills 20
  • St Louis, Mo. 22 to 28th

Bill [2]

Note 1: Cody did not include the year in this letter's dateline, but the listing of dates and places on page 3 matches known performances of the Buffalo Bill Combination during the 1879 season. [back]

Note 2: The list of show dates for the Buffalo Bill Combination and the second signature were written in pencil, while the rest of the letter is in ink. [back]

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