Saint James Hotel
Iowa City, Iowa Sep. 9th 187_ [1] My. Dear. Sam.You are terriably up a stump. and I am realy sorry for you. You make liberal propositions. but please to understand that I am carrying to many people now, and Hotel
and Rail roads are expensive. I cant send Ingraham away as he has arranged his business to go. Sam I will wait a day or Two and see how business is and if I can send for you will do so. But old fellow I fear the Texas Boys would keep you full all the time and
that would hurt my business. When you come on to New York. when I spoke to about going. if you remember. you said you could go if it would be a help to me I told you then not to go if you did not want to as it was no help to me as I could get plenty of men who wanted to go. You spoke as if it was doing me a great favor to go. You did not appear at all anxious. Then you insted of going to Wilmington. you got on a drunk. Your business is not so very important that it should require you several days to get ready. Sam realy I dont think we could
Saint James Hotel
agree. I am all business and I would expect a man to be prompt and reliable agreeable and quick to understand. I will try and help you out of your financial trouble. but just at present I am presed my self. if I can send for you I will.Never mind the money I gave you in New York Thats all O.K.
Ingraham wrote you about the MSS. Now old fellow beleive me
Your Friend. Cody
- Peoria. Ills 13
- Danville 16
- Jacksonville 18
- Springfield 19
- Quincy 20
- St Louis. Mo. 22 to 28th
- Cincinnati. O 29 to Oct 4
Note 1: Cody did not include the year in this letter's dateline, but the listing of dates and places on page 4 matches known performances of the Buffalo Bill Combination during the 1879 season. [back]