Your kind letter received. also the beautiful little flag. which I will Keep and carry as my Mascott. and every day I wave it to my audiences I will think of the fair donor. I tried to find you after the performances Yestarday. for I realy wished to see you again if for the last time. but I do hope it wont be. it was impossible for me to visit you at
your home. much as I would like to have done so. Many thanks for the very Kind invitation. I realy. hope we will meet again. do you anticipate visiting the Worlds Fair at New Orleans
[2] if you do will you please let me know when you are there. so I may have the pleasure of thanking you in person for the flag. It would give me great pleasure to hear from you again as to how you liked the Wild West performance
[3] enclosed find my route
Yours Very Respectfully W. F. Cody

- Paducah. Ky. 19th 20th
- Cairo. Ill 21-22-23
- New Orleans. La
- Dec. 20th All winter
Note 1: Although Cody did not include the year in this letter's dateline, 1884 was the only year that the Wild West performed in Shawneetown, Illinois. [back]
Note 2: Cody refers to the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, held at New Orleans from December 1884 to June 1885. Cody's Wild West held a winter season of performances at New Orleans in connection with the fair from December 1884 to April 1885. Persistent rain discouraged attendance and the exhibition suffered considerable financial loss. [back]
Note 3: A portion of Cody's text, beginning with this sentence and continuing to the closing and signature on this page, has been circled in pencil. The number 3, also in pencil, appears on the lower left corner of the page. These marks appear to have been added later by an unknown person. [back]