Hoffman House,
Madison Square,
J. P. Caddagan, Manager.
Absolutely Fire Proof.
Am glad that the bids begin to look more reasonable. [1] I would like to see the first story built of those different colored cobble stone. on the two front sides of the hotel the second of grey stone trimed with red— she would then be a house that would get talked about—
Yours truly W. F. Cody
Col. W. F. Cody. (Buffalo Bill) President.
Nate Salsbury. Vice President & Manager.
Maj. Hon M. Burke Genl. Mgr. Jule Keen Bus. Mgr & Treas.
Madison.Sq.Sta.-N.Y. 1902 Mar 23 5—PM
United State Postage 2 two cents 2
A. W. Wood Architect Lincoln Neb
Note 1: Cody probably refers to cost estimates for the Irma Hotel. [back]