Postal Telegraph-Cable Company in connection with The Commerical Cable Company.
Design Patent Dec. 20-1887.
Postal Telegraph-Cable Company (Incorporated)
in connection with the Commercial (Mackay-Bennett,) Cables.
Registered Trade Mark.
John W. Mackay, President.
J. O. Stevens, Sec'y.
Wm. H. Baker, V. P. & G. M.
John W. Mackay, President.
Albert Beck, Sec'y.
Geo. G. Ward, V. P. & G. M.
The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company transmits and delivers this message subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back of this blank.
Received at [blank] (where any reply should be sent.)
Has Mr Stevens started for Cody to commence hotel? [3]
W F Cody.1008 "O" Street. Main Office: Lincoln, Nebr. [4]

Form 40.
Cable Service to All Parts of the World.
Design Patent, Dec. 20 - 1887.
Postal Telegraph-Cable Company (Incorporated)
in connection with the Commercial (Mackay-Bennett,) Cables
Registered Trade Mark.
A W Woods
No. 105
Charges Pd
Pull Either Wire.
Note 1: Although the year does not appear to be included in the dateline, this telegram can be reliably dated to 1902 on the basis of its reference to the construction of the Irma Hotel in Cody, Wyoming. [back]
Note 2: According to a 1902 city directory, A. W. Woods' architectural office was located at 109 South 10th Street, a short distance south of the intersection of 10th and O Streets in downtown Lincoln, Nebraska. "LO" would appear to be a misprint for the number 10. [back]
Note 3: William F. Cody probably refers to Henry A. Stephens, of the Stephens Bros. construction company in Lincoln, Nebraska. Stephens Bros. was the general contractor for the Irma Hotel, then under construction in the town of Cody, Wyoming. Buffalo Bill mentioned "Harry Stevens" by name in a letter to Woods dated August 21, 1902. [back]
Note 4: This address, stamped in blue ink, appears to be that of the Lincoln office of the telegraph company. [back]