Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Rices Lake WisJuly 24th/02 [1] My Dear Mr Woods.
Your favor with blue print of fire place recd — I think its allright. Now I hope they will be careful in selecting the pretty colored cobble stone for it. As I want that fire place to be the talk of the country— perhaps it would be better to have a first class carver to carve the Buffalo Head. Lets have that house right— [2]
Send Mr. Holdrege the number of plumbers who are to go out— When do you go to Cody? Please dont neglect the building—
The Dawing came & it was allright Its now in the hands of the Courier Printing Co Buffalo— N. Y [3]
Haveing newspaper cuts made— will send you some— [4]
Yours truly W. F. Cody

Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Rice Lake, Wisconsin, on July 24, 1902. [back]
Note 2: Cody refers to an elaborate fireplace and to a buffalo head carving for the main bar at the Irma Hotel, then under construction in Cody, Wyoming. [back]
Note 3: "Mr. Holdrege" may be George W. Holdrege (1847-1926), an executive with the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad, which provided railroad service to the town of Cody, Wyoming. The Courier Printing Company of Buffalo, New York, was owned by George Bleistein (1861-1918), an investor in William F. Cody's irrigation ventures in and around the town of Cody. [back]
Note 4: The precise meaning of the term "newspaper cut" is unclear, but Cody may have meant publicity images of his new hotel. [back]
Note 5: This price list accompanies Cody's letter to Woods dated July 24, 1902, in the files of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. If Cody enclosed it in his letter to Woods, it may have been in connection with a planned publicity campaign for his Irma Hotel. [back]