Sells-Floto Circus and Buffalo Bill himself
Admission 25 cents
The Biggest Circus In The World, The Sells-Floto Shows Company Inc.
General Offices & Winter Quarters
Denver — Colorado
Apr 16th [1] Dear. Clarence. &. Bessie [2]
The old show is working again. And I am Sober and feeling like a young buck. Were we ever in Hanibal? [3]
Love to you both CodyNote 1: Although Cody did not include the year in the dateline of this letter, it was probably written in 1915. Cody performed with the Sells-Floto Circus in San Diego from April 15 through April 17, 1915. [back]
Note 2: "Clarence" is believed to be Clarence W. Rowley, a prominent Boston attorney and friend of Cody. [back]
Note 3: Perhaps Cody meant Hannibal, Missouri. He performed there on at least three occasions in his show-business career, including August 20, 1898; September 29, 1911; and September 26, 1914. [back]