La Salle at Madison St.
Hotel La Salle
Chicago Jan. 27 / 191__ [1] Dear Tait.Your letter came Johnny got in with some great dope yesterday is being gotten ready to go to Washington along with the Indian picturers. [2] Johnny may go in to old Mexico with a movie outfit. [3] Dont suppose you want any of that. Eh?
Ill be back from Washington in a week.
Yours GovernorNote 1: Although Cody did not include the year when dating this letter, the context indicates that it was written in 1914. Cody went to Washington, D.C. in February 1914 to show his film The Indian Wars to audiences that included senior officials in the Interior and War Departments. [back]
Note 2: "Johnny" is Lewis H. "Johnny" Baker (1869-1931). [back]
Note 3: A letter from Cody to Tait, dated simply "Jan. 22" but believed to be written in 1914, apparently refers to Baker sending images of "the Mexican Army & Refugees" to Cody who describes Baker's material as "great stuff." [back]